NPTEL Social Networks Week 5 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Let – denote friendship and + denotes enmity relationship in a social network. Select all the options that represent stable triangular relationship structures?
- − −
- − − −
- + +
- + −
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2. It is observed that a friend’s friend often becomes a friend, and an enemy’s enemy often becomes an ally. What are the reasons behind these phenomena?
- Social influence and clustering, respectively
- Social influence and structural balance, respectively
- Triadic closure and structural balance, respectively
- Triadic closure and clustering, respectively
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3. Which of the following four node Network is balanced?

- A only
- B only
- Both A and B
- Neither A nor B
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4. Given the two dimensional grid in Figure 3, comment if the node in the center of grid A and grid B are satisfied respectively, given threshold t=5.

- satisfied, satisfied
- unsatisfied, satisfied
- satisfied, unsatisfied
- unsatisfied, unsatisfied
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5. For a graph with seven nodes, what is the maximum number of possible triangles in the graph?
- 20
- 30
- 35
- 50
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6. Which of the following is an invalid threshold value for the two dimensional Schelling model grid?
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 9
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7. The number of internal, corner and boundary nodes in a Schelling grid of dimension 10 × 10 are
- 64, 4 and 36 respectively
- 81, 0 and 36 respectively
- 81, 4 and 32 respectively
- 64, 4 and 15 respectively
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8. Which social belief does the following signed triad represent?

- A friend’s friend is an enemy
- A friend’s friend is a friend
- An enemy’s enemy is a friend
- An enemy’s enemy is an enemy
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9. If a complete graph can be divided into two sets of mutual friends, with complete mutual antagonism between the two sets, then it is said to be
- balanced
- unbalanced
- connected
- symmetric
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10. Which of the following statements are True for a graph to exhibit structural balance?
Statement I: A labelled graph where all the nodes are friends with each other.
Statement II: A labelled graph where the nodes can be divided into two groups, X and Y , such that every pair of nodes in X like each other, every pair of nodes in Y like each other, and everyone in X is the enemy of everyone in Y
- I only
- II only
- Both I and II
- None
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