NPTEL Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving Week 11 Assignment Answers 2024

By Sanket

NPTEL Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving Week 11 Assignment Answers 2024

1. In Mathematical Logic (Formal Logic), ________________ .

  • once a statement is true it will continue to be true
  • logical reasoning is mainly concerned with the interpretation of statements,i.e., what the statements represent (in content) in a domain of interest
  • all of the above
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2. Which of the following are tautologies?

  • [P ∧ Q] ⊃ [P ∨ Q]
  • [(P ∨ Q) ⊃ R] ⊃ [(P ∧ Q) ⊃ R]
  • [(P ∨ Q) ⊃ R] ⊃ [P ⊃ R]
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3. Which of the following are tautologies?

  • [(P ⊃ R) ∨ (Q ⊃ R)] ⊃ [(P ∧ Q) ⊃ R]
  • [(P ⊃ R) ∧ (Q ⊃ R)] ⊃ [(P ∧ Q) ⊃ R]
  • all of the above
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4. Given a KB, _______________ .

  • entailment refers to sentences that are necessarily true when the KB is true
  • entailment refers to sentences that are necessarily false when the KB is false
  • entailment refers to sentences that are derived by a proof procedure
  • entailment in propositional logic can be computed using truth tables
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5. Soundness and completeness are properties associated with ______________ .

  • proofs
  • proof procedures
  • knowledge bases
  • all of the above
Answer :- 

6. Modified Modus Ponens _________________ .

  • combines generalization and modus ponens into a single inference rule
  • combines universal instantiation and modus ponens into a single inference rule
  • is used in first order logic to reduce the number of steps in proofs
  • is a substitution rule
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7. Forward Chaining is an automated theorem proving algorithm ________________ .

  • it matches goals with rules to derive new goals
  • it matches goals with rules to derive new rules
  • it matches facts with rules to derive new facts
  • it matches facts with rules to derive new rules
Answer :- 

8. Backward Chaining is an automated theorem proving algorithm ________________ .

  • it matches goals with rules to derive new goals
  • it matches goals with rules to derive new rules
  • it matches facts with rules to derive new facts
  • it matches facts with rules to derive new rules
Answer :- 

9. In propositional logic and first-order-logic, _______________ .

  • a KB allows only true sentences
  • a KB allows false sentences to represent what is false in a domain
  • a KB cannot represent what is false in a domain
  • a KB can represent what is false in the domain
Answer :- 

10. Select the correct options.

  • a KB is true if and only if all sentences in the KB are true
  • a KB is true if and only if at least one sentence in the KB is true
  • a KB is false if and only if all sentences in the KB are false
  • a KB is false if and only if at least one sentence in the KB is false
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11. In the KB, {a,b,c} denote constants and {Topper,Champion,Admission} denote unary predicates, and x is a variable. Select the sentences that are entailed by the KB.

KB = {
    ∀x[(Topper(x) ∨ Champion(x)) ⊃ Admission(x)],
  • Topper(a)
  • Admission(b)
  • ¬Champion(c)
  • ∀x[Champion(x) ⊃ Admission(x)]
Answer :- 

12. A unifier is _____________ .

  • an operator that takes the union of two knowledge bases
  • a set of variable-value pairs that make two different formulas to become identical to each other
  • a rule of substitution that replaces two formulas with an equivalent single formula
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13. Each option contains a pair of formulas, which of these pairs are unifiable? Here Likes, Coach, Game and Travel denote predicates; Amy, Joe and Rome denote constants; ?u, ?v, ?x, and ?y denote variables.

  • Likes(?x,?x); Likes(Joe,?y)
  • Coach(?x,?y); Coach(?u,?v)
  • Game(Joe,?y,?y); Game(?u,Amy,Joe)
  • Travel(Joe,?x,?y); Travel(?u,Amy,Rome)
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KB contains the following five rules:

1. B(?x,?y) ⊃ P(?x,?y)
2. H(?x,?y) ⊃ M(?x,?y)
3. [S(?x) ∧ W(?y)] ⊃ C(?x,?y)
4. [S(?x) ∧ R(?y)] ⊃ P(?y,?x)
5. [P(?x,?y) ∧ C(?y,?z)] ⊃ M(?x,?z)

and the following set of facts (where the lowercase alphabets denote constants):

{ B(k,t), P(n,a), P(k,e), R(t), S(a), W(d) }

Use only Modified Modus Ponens and ∧-Simplification as rules of inference.

14. Let the Forward Chaining algorithm run to completion. For each rule in the KB, count the number of times that rule generated a new fact.

Enter the count for each rule 1 to 5 in that order as a comma separated list.
Answer format: 3,1,4,1,5

Answer :- 

15. Let the Forward Chaining algorithm run to completion, which of the following facts will be added to the KB?

  • P(k,t)
  • P(a,t)
  • C(a,t)
  • C(a,d)
  • M(d,n)
  • M(t,d)
Answer :- 

16. Let M(?u,?v) be the goal, where ?u and ?v are variables. Generate the complete goal tree (AND-OR tree). Count the number of instances of each rule 1 to 5 (in the KB) that occur in the goal tree?

Enter the count for each rule 1 to 5 in that order as a comma separated list.
Answer format: 3,1,4,1,5

Answer :- For Answers Click Here 
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