NPTEL Social Networks Week 12 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Which of the following is True in a hierarchical network structure?
- Low-ranking employees form the densely connected core, while high-ranking employees disperse around the core as the periphery
- The core and the periphery can swap roles within the network
- Whether an individual is in the core or the periphery is independent of their rank or position
- High-ranking employees form the densely connected core, while low-ranking employees disperse around the core as the periphery
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2. A node in a network belongs to exactly 3 cliques (fully connected subgraphs) of sizes 3, 4, and 6. Which of the following cannot be the core number of this node?
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 6
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3. In a social network of a popular online community, the ”core” refers to the group of users who are highly interconnected and influential. The ”periphery” refers to users who are less connected. Which of the following best describes a ”pseudo-core” in this context?
- Users who are part of the highly connected core group
- Users who are part of the less connected periphery group
- Users who are not in the innermost core group but have a similar influence or spreading power as the innermost core
- Users who are not in the outermost periphery group but have a similar influence or spreading power as the outermost periphery
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4. Choose the most relevant option that represents an Internet meme:
- A widely shared video of a cat doing something humorous, circulated across social media
- A text message from your friend asking for help with an assignment
- An official email from your boss about a company meeting
- A news article discussing global economic trends
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5. What defines a k-core in a sub-graph of a graph?
- The maximum degree of nodes in the sub-graph is exactly k
- Each node in the sub-graph has a degree less than k
- Each node in the sub-graph has a degree greater than k
- Each node in the sub-graph has a degree greater than or equal to k
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6. In a corporate organization, which factor is most correlated with an employee’s ability to influence decisionmaking?
- The number of direct reports the employee has (degree of the node)
- How quickly the employee can access other departments (closeness)
- How often the employee acts as a key connector between departments (betweenness)
- The employee’s position within the central management team (coreness)
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7. Which of the following statements is true about myopic search algorithms?
- Myopic search algorithms always perform as well as optimal search algorithms
- The time complexity of myopic search algorithms is generally high
- Myopic search algorithms are guaranteed to find the optimal solution every time
- Optimal search algorithms typically have lower time complexity than myopic search algorithms
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8. In a network of n social media users, where each user has a degree (number of direct connections) of x
, for which value(s) of x will the following statement hold true: ”For every user with degree x, their shell number will also be x?
- 1
- n-1
- n
- n+1
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9. In a social network analysis using the k-shell decomposition algorithm, what does the ith iteration involve?
- Removing all users with exactly i connections from the network.
- Recursively removing users with exactly i connections until no such users remain in the network
- Recursively removing users with i or fewer connections until no such users remain in the network
- Recursively removing users with i or more connections until no such users remain in the network
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10. What is the number of nodes in the 4-core of the given graph H?

- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
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