NPTEL Computer Vision Week 4 Assignment Answers 2024

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NPTEL Computer Vision Week 4 Assignment Answers 2024

1. One of the primary purposes of assigning colors to the objects in a scene is to perceive depth, which helps in creating impression of 3D.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- For Answer Click Here

2. Incident light tends to reflect in all directions from a rough or grainy surface. This is called

a. Specular reflection
b. Diffuse reflection

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3. Gouraud Shading involves __________ interpolation to compute pixel colors.

a. Exponential
b. Polynomial
c. Linear
d. Quadratic

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4. Lighting model computes color in terms of _______________ values.

a. Power
b. Complexity
c. Voxel
d. Intensity

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5. In lighting model, to avoid indistinguishable overlapping of surfaces with different distances we use

a. Intensity Attenuation
b. Color Attenuation
c. Intensity Reflection
d. Color Reflection

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6. The mapping problem in intensity mapping arises because computed intensity values are discrete.

a. True
b. False

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7. Color of a surface point depends on the properties of the light source as well as the surface containing the point.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- For Answer Click Here

8. Gamma correction and dithering are techniques used to minimize _____________ in intensity mapping.

a. errors
b. shading
c. lighting

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9. In graphics, how many light source types are generally considered? (answer in number)

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10. Match the following: I. Photometer II. CRT Display III. Frame Buffer A. A device used to measure the intensity value. B. Dedicated memory that stores color information for every pixel on a computer display C. Provides the visual output by lighting phosphor dots

  • a. I-B, II-A, III-C
  • b. I-A, II-C, III-B
  • c. I-C, II-A, III-B
  • d. I-B, II-C, III-A
Answer :- For Answer Click Here
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