NPTEL Conservation Geography Week 7 Assignment Answers 2024

By Sanket

NPTEL Conservation Geography Week 7 Assignment Answers 2024

1. “the diversity that exists among different geographies” is

  • alpha biodiversity
  • beta biodiversity
  • gamma biodiversity
  • delta biodiversity
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2. thermal stresses can lead to

  • chemical weathering
  • physical weathering
  • biological weathering
  • none of the above
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3. vertical arrangement of soil horizons is called

  • soil texture
  • soil structure
  • soil profile
  • soil science
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4. a climax caused by wildfires is an example of

  • climatic climax
  • edaphic climax
  • disclimax
  • catastrophic climax
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5. Khadar is a type of

  • black cotton soil
  • alluvial soil
  • saline soil
  • red and yellow soil
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6. the term laterite soil is derived from Latin later which means

  • red
  • brick
  • fertile
  • infertile
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7. which of these has the highest organic matter content?

  • peaty soil
  • alluvial soil
  • saline soil
  • red and yellow soil
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8. “groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations. which are reproductively isolated from other such groups” is a definition of

  • cells
  • species
  • ecosystems
  • biomes
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9. which of these is not a characteristic of pioneer species

  • ability to grow on bare rocks
  • ability to tolerate extreme temperatures
  • large size
  • short life span
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10. which of these depicts correctly the lithosere primary succession?

  • rock –> crustose lichen –> foliose lichen –> moss –> herbaceous stage –> shrub –> woodland –> climax
  • rock –> foliose lichen –> crustose lichen –> moss –> herbaceous stage –> shrub –> woodland –> climax
  • moss –> crustose lichen –> foliose lichen –> rock –> herbaceous stage –> shrub –> woodland –> climax
  • rock –> crustose lichen –> foliose lichen –> shrub –> moss –> woodland –> climax
Answer :- For Answers Click Here 
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