NPTEL Educational Leadership Week 2 Assignment Answers 2024

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NPTEL Educational Leadership Week 2 Assignment Answers 2024

1. Professional Development ___.

A. is a static process
B. spans throughout one’s career
C. is independent of the work environment & role‐perception relationship
D. does not cater to the phase of retirement

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2. CPD should focus on ___.

A. conferences and seminars
B. guided and formal learning
C. only activities catering to work
D. salaries

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3. Professional Education is concerned with 3 main aspects of development. Which of the following is not one of them?

A. Professional knowledge base
B. Development of reflection, a critical awareness of the context of their practice
C. Competence in professional action
D. Family development

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4. CPD is needed because of the need for development in areas like ___.

A. transferable skills
B. effective management
C. assessment
D. all of the given

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5. The continuum of needs navigates between ___ needs and personal needs.

A. national
B. international
C. cultural
D. institutional

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6. Which of the following is true for 21st century learners?

A. They are networkers and communicators
B. They lack tech savviness
C. They are rigid and stagnant
D. They ignore the various forms of media

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7. Faculty members throughout their careers should ___.

A. never go back to being students again
B. focus extensively only on academics while research can be ignored
C. focus extensively only on research while teaching can be ignored
D. continuously relearn from experiences

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8. A 21st century educator act as a ___.

A. mentor
B. referee
C. moderator
D. all of the given

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9. Dewey’s “How We Think” gives a five stage model of ___.

A. Creative Thinking
B. Reflective Thinking
C. Emotional Intelligence
D. Spiritual Thinking

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10. ___ theory is given by David Kolb.

A. Constructivism
B. Experiential learning
C. Johari window
D. Reflective practice

Answer :-Click Here
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