NPTEL Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Week 12 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Identify the correct statements regarding challenges in wastewater recycling:
Statement I: Although efficient technologies for wastewater treatment are available,
using recycled water is relatively more complicated than using conventional freshwater resources.
Statement II: Further, cost of using conventional water is often lesser than the cost of using recycled water.
a. Statement I is correct, while statement II is incorrect
b. Statement Il is correct, while statement I is incorrect
c. Both, statements I and II are correct
d. Both, statements I and II are incorrect
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2. The approach that considers alternate resources including wastewater, stormwater and rainwater along with conventional surface and groundwater sources for designing urban water services, is popularly known as:
a. Integrated Urban Water Management
b. Resilient Urban Catchment Planning
c. District Metered Area Planning
d. Unified Water Infrastructure Management
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3. A Decision Support System (DSS) for wastewater management, may help in:
a. Choosing wastewater treatment process based on selected criteria such as cost, energy, required efficiency, land availability etc.
b. Identifying most appropriate treatment alternatives for specified recycling reuse options
c. Assessment of possible impacts of implementation of schemes
d. All of the above
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4. Among the given sources, which of these typically have the higher public acceptance for municipal uses:
a. Treated industrial effluent
b. Treated sewage
c. Harvested rainwater post treatment
d. Treated blackwater
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5. Which of the following is usually NOT considered (or least considered) in Water-Energy Nexus:
a. Energy required for water supply and wastewater management
b. Water quality required for hydropower production
c. Water required for energy production
d. Energy production from wastewater management
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7. Which of the following section of society is likely to have higher acceptance on wastewater recycling?
a. Educated. old and religious
b. Uneducated, old and non-religious
c. Uneducated, young and non-religious.
d. Educated, young and non-religious
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8. Which of the following is a right approach to enhance public acceptance of wastewater uses:
a. Charging recycled water supplies with higher tariffs
b. Providing high-end treatment schemes for wastewater to be recycled for all uses
c. Public awareness campaigns involving media and women
d. All of these
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9. Which agency is enforcing zero liquid discharge (ZLD) and looking after its regulatory compliance for grossly polluting industries in India?
a. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
b. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
c. The Swachh Bharat Mission Directorate (SBMD)
d. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
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10. Singapore’s NEWater is one of the leading examples in the world, for:
a. Direct potable reuse of recycled wastewater
b. Indirect potable reuse of recycled wastewater
c. Agricultural reuse of recycled wastewater
d. Environmental reuse of recycled wastewater
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11. The recycling system shown in the figure appears to be for:
a. Municipal wastewater recycling
b. Industrial wastewater recycling
c. Agricultural runoff recycling
d. Stormwater recycling
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12. Which of the following reuse water have received relatively lesser degree of treatment:
a. Pipe A
b. Pipe B
c. Pipe C
d. Pipe F
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13. How is the RO reject being managed in the shown scheme:
a. RO reject is being discharged
b. RO reject is being recycled back to ultrafiltration
c. RO reject is being treated at vacuum evaporators
d. RO reject is being directly reused as process water
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14. The water recycled for process water is likely to have:
a. Almost zero TSS and very low TDS
b. Almost zero TSS but moderate value of TDS
c. Moderate value of TSS but almost zero TDS
d. Moderate value of TSS as well as TDS
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15. The roll of ultrafiltration in the given system is to:
a. Treat water for horticulture and gardening reuse
b. Prefilter the water to be fed to RO unit
c. Reduce volumetric load of wastewater on vacuum evaporator
d. All of the above
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