NPTEL Wild Life Ecology Week 6 Assignment Answers 2024
1. a climax caused by wildfires is an example of
- climatic climax
- edaphic climax
- disclimax
- catastrophic climax
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2. when compared to generalist species, specialist species have
- narrower niches
- broader niches
- same-size niches
- none of these
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3. which of these depicts correctly the lithosere primary succession
- rock –> crustose lichen –> foliose lichen –> moss –> herbaceous stage –> shrub –> woodland –> climax
- rock –> foliose lichen –> crustose lichen –> moss –> herbaceous stage –> shrub –> woodland –> climax
- moss –> crustose lichen –> foliose lichen –> rock –> herbaceous stage –> shrub –> woodland –> climax
- rock –> crustose lichen –> foliose lichen –> shrub –> herbaceous stage –> moss –> woodland –> climax
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4. importance value can be written as
- relative density + relative frequency X relative dominance
- relative density X relative frequency + relative dominance
- relative density + relative frequency + relative dominance
- relative density X relative frequency X relative dominance
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5. lithosere is an example of
- hydrosere
- xerosere
- psammosere
- halosere
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6. importance value varies from
- 0 to 10
- 0 to 50
- 0 to 100
- 0 to 300
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7. a species found most frequently in a particular community, but also present occasionally in others is called
- accidental species
- indifferent species
- selective species
- exclusive species
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8. the climax near Tindi village is being controlled by disturbance by cattle. this is an example of
- climatic climax
- edaphic climax
- disclimax
- catastrophic climax
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9. which of these is correct?
- fundamental niche > realised niche
- fundamental niche = realised niche
- fundamental niche < realised niche
- a or b
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10. which of these is not a characteristic of pioneer species
- ability to grow on bare rocks
- ability to tolerate extreme temperatures
- large size
- short life span
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