NPTEL Social Network Analysis Week 9 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Outlier detection is not different from network-based anomaly detection.
- True
- False
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2. Which of the following is not a node-level feature?
- Eigenvector
- Modularity
- Betweenness
- Degree assortativity
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3. Egonet is defined as a subnetwork:
- induced by its 1-hop neighbors
- induced by its 1-hop neighbors and itself
- induced by its 2-hop neighbors and itself
- where every pair of vertices are adjacent to each other
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4. Consider that in SNA class, all the students talk to the instructor more than they talk amongst themselves. What kind of anomaly can arise that can help us detect the instructor using the ODDBALL algorithm in a network of interactions?
- Near cliques
- Near stars
- Heavy vicinities
- Dominant heavy links
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5. Consider another SNA class where all the students talk to each other and to the instructor as well. What kind of anomaly can arise that can help us detect the network using the ODDBALL algorithm in a network of interactions?
- Near cliques
- Near stars
- Heavy vicinities
- Dominant heavy links
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6. In a dynamic network, what can change with time t?
- only nodes
- only vertices
- both nodes and vertices
- everything remains constant
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7. Which of the following is not a generic feature-based approach?
- Graph edit distance
- Singular vector decomposition
- Error-correcting network matching distance
- Lambda-distance
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8. Reliance, which previously concentrated on petrochemical industries, suddenly introduced Jio. None of its traditional competitors had taken such a step. What type of anomaly detection method could be employed to identify this situation?
- Structure-based
- Feature-based
- Community-based
- Relation-learning based
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9. In window-based methods, what number of elements skipped between the starting point of two consecutive windows is called?
- hop length
- belongingness
- lambda distance
- error correcting matching distance
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10. Under which category of network anomaly detection do Common Neighbours and Adamic Adar fall?
- community-based approach
- proximity-based approach
- structure-based approach
- window-based approach
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