NPTEL Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem Solving Week 2 Assignment Answers 2024

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NPTEL Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem Solving Week 2 Assignment Answers 2024

GA – State Space Example

1. What information is available in Week 2 notes (bunch of PDFs) published in the course page?

  • About node order and tie breaker
  • How to model a problem as a state space search problem
  • Some properties of state spaces
  • DFS, BFS, DBDFS algorithms and ancillary functions
  • DFID-N, DFID-C algorithms and ancillary functions
  • Examples of list and tuple operations
  • Solved lecture examples
  • Solutions to practice assignment problems
  • Some problems to demonstrate node order
Answer :- Click Here

2. Which of the following states satisfy the capacity constraints of the 12-9-7 water jug puzzle?

  • (3, 2, 7)
  • (3, 4, 5)
  • (1, 9, 2)
  • (0, 4, 8)
Answer :- Click Here

3. From the state (7, 0, 5), which of the following states can be reached in one or more moves?

  • (3, 2, 7)
  • (3, 4, 5)
  • (1, 9, 2)
  • (0, 4, 8)
Answer :- 

4. From the state (3,2,7) the least number of moves required to reach (2,3,7) is ______________ .

Enter an integer.
Answer Format: 17

Answer :- 

5. From the state (2,3,7) the least number of moves required to reach (3,2,7) is _________ .

Enter an integer.
Answer Format: 17

Answer :- 

6. Say true or false. In the 12-9-7 water jug puzzle, it is possible to measure all the integral volumes 1L, 2L, …, up to 12L, where each volume measured is present in a single jug.

  • True
  • False
  • Cannot be determined
Answer :- 

7. The state space shown above ________________ .

  • is the full state space for the 12-9-7 water-jug puzzle
  • is the subspace reachable from the state (12,0,0)
  • satisfies the “reversible state space” property
  • does not satisfy the “reversible state space” property
Answer :-Click Here


1. Which of the following are possible valid orders in which Depth First Search visits the next 5 nodes starting from K?

  • K E J P O L
  • K J I N P Q
  • K E B A D J
  • K P Q R O S
  • K F L J I N
Answer :- Click Here

2. Which of the following are possible valid orders in which Breadth First Search visits the next 5 nodes starting from K?

  • K E J P O L
  • K J I N P Q
  • K E L O P J
  • K P Q R O S
  • K F L J I N
Answer :- 

3. Which of the following are possible valid orders in which Depth First Search visits the next 5 nodes starting from G?

  • G H G L F C
  • G H M L F C
  • G L Q P K L
  • G L Q W X Z
  • G L Q W X W
Answer :- 

4. Which of the following are possible valid orders in which Breadth First Search visits the next 5 nodes starting from G?

  • G H G L F C
  • G H M F L C
  • G L Q P K L
  • G F L M H Q
  • G F L M H C
Answer :- 


1. The BFS search tree is _________ .

fig w02 city map 01 search tree tape bfs
  • Tree 1
  • Tree 2
  • Tree 3
  • Tree 4
Answer :- Click Here

2. When BFS finds the goal node, i.e., when the GoalTest returns true, the NODEs present in OPEN list are ____________________ .

The OPEN list contains pairs (NODE,PARENT), ignore the PARENTs and list only the NODEs in the order it occurs in the OPEN list (head to tail).

Enter a comma separated list of nodes, or enter NIL if the list is empty.
Answer Format: X,Y,Z

Answer :- 

3. List the nodes inspected by BFS. Enter the nodes in the order they were inspected.

Enter a comma separated list of nodes, or enter NIL if the list is empty.
Answer Format: X,Y,Z

Answer :- 

4. What is the path found by BFS?

Enter the path as a comma separated list.
Answer Format: S,X,Y,Z,G

Answer :- 

5. The DFS search tree is ___________________ .

fig w02 city map 01 search tree tape dfs
  • Tree 1
  • Tree 2
  • Tree 3
  • Tree 4
Answer :- 

6. When DFS finds the goal node, i.e., when the GoalTest returns true, the NODEs present in OPEN list are ________________ .

The OPEN list contains pairs (NODE,PARENT), ignore the PARENTs and list only the NODEs in the order it occurs in the OPEN list (head to tail).

Enter a comma separated list of nodes, or enter NIL if the list is empty.
Answer Format: X,Y,Z

Answer :- 

7. List the nodes inspected by DFS. Enter the nodes in the order they were inspected.

Enter a comma separated list of nodes, or enter NIL if the list is empty.
Answer Format: X,Y,Z

Answer :- 

8. What is the path found by DFS?

Enter the path as a comma separated list.
Answer Format: S,X,Y,Z,G

Answer :- 

9. When DBDFS (depthBound=2) finds the goal node, i.e., when the GoalTest returns true, the NODEs present in OPEN list are ____________ .

The OPEN list contains pairs (NODE,PARENT), ignore the PARENTs and list only the NODEs in the order it occurs in the OPEN list (head to tail).

Enter a comma separated list of nodes, or enter NIL if the list is empty.
Answer Format: X,Y,Z

Answer :- 

10. List the nodes inspected by DBDFS (depthBound=2). Enter the nodes in the order they were inspected.

Enter a comma separated list of nodes, or enter NIL if the list is empty. Answer Format: X,Y,Z

Answer :- Click Here

11. What is the path found by DBDFS (depthBound=2)?

Enter the path as a comma separated list, or enter NIL if no path was found.
Answer Format: S,X,Y,Z,G

Answer :- 

12. Which of the following search algorithm(s) always find(s) a path to the goal (if there exists one) in an infinite search space.

  • DFS
  • BFS
  • DFID-C
  • None of the above
Answer :- 

13. Mark the algorithm(s) for which space requirements for OPEN grow linearly with depth.

  • DFS
  • BFS
  • DFID-C
  • None of the above
Answer :- 

14. Mark the algorithm(s) that always find(s) the shortest path from start state to goal state in any search space.

  • DFS
  • BFS
  • DFID-C
  • None of the above
Answer :- Click Here

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