NPTEL Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving Week 8 Assignment Answers 2024

By Sanket

NPTEL Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving Week 8 Assignment Answers 2024

1. When is an action a relevant to a goal G ?

  • (G ∩ AddEffects(a)) = ∅
  • (G ∩ AddEffects(a)) ≠ ∅
  • (G ∩ DelEffects(a)) = ∅
  • (G ∩ DelEffects(a)) ≠ ∅
  • preconditions(a) ⊆ G
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2. When is an action a applicable to a state S?

  • S ∩ AddEffects(a)) = ∅
  • (S ∩ DelEffects(a)) ≠ ∅
  • (S ∩ preconditions(a)) = ∅
  • (S ∩ preconditions(a)) ≠ ∅
  • preconditions(a) ⊆ S
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3. Let S = { clear(A), on(A,C), onTable(C), holding(B) }, what would be the resulting state S2 when the action Stack(B,A) is applied to the state S?

  • S2 = { on(A,B), on(B,C), onTable(C), armEmpty }
  • S2 = { on(B,A), on(A,C), onTable(C), armEmpty, clear(B) }
  • S2 = { on(B,A), on(A,C), onTable(C), armEmpty }
  • The action is not applicable in state S
Answer :- 

4. Let S = { clear(A), on(A,C), onTable(C), holding(B) }, what would be the resulting state S3 when the action sequence [ Putdown(B), Pickup(B) ] is applied to the state S?

  • S3 = S
  • S3 = { clear(A), on(A,C), onTable(C), holding(B), clear(B) }
  • The action sequence is not valid for the state S
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5. In the BSSP scenario, you are given the goal G = { on(A,B), on(B,C), holding(D) } and the action Putdown(D). What would be the subgoal G2 generated when we consider the given action for the state G.

  • The given action is not relevant for G.
  • G2 = { on(A,B), on(B,C), onTable(D), clear(D) }
  • G2 = { on(A,B), on(B,C), onTable(D) }
Answer :- 

6. Which of the following is true about Goal Stack Planning?

  • Searches the space like BSSP.
  • Constructs the plan like BSSP.
  • Searches the space like FSSP.
  • Constructs the plan like FSSP.
  • Solves the sub-goals in a sequential manner.
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7. For the given problem, the number of actions in an optimal plan is _____________ .

  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • Cannot be determined
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8. Which of the following are applicable actions for the above problem?

  • Pickup(A)
  • Pickup(D)
  • Putdown(B)
  • Stack(C,A)
  • Stack(B,D)
  • Stack(B,A)
  • Unstack(D,C)
  • Unstack(A,E)
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9. Let FSSP find the shortest plan. Which of the following can be the last action of the shortest plan?

  • Pickup(A)
  • Pickup(D)
  • Putdown(B)
  • Stack(C,A)
  • Stack(B,D)
  • Stack(B,A)
  • Unstack(D,C)
  • Unstack(A,E)
Answer :- 

10. Which of the following are relevant actions for the above problem?

  • Pickup(A)
  • Pickup(D)
  • Putdown(B)
  • Stack(C,A)
  • Stack(B,D)
  • Stack(B,A)
  • Unstack(D,C)
  • Unstack(A,E)
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11. Let BSSP find a valid plan. Which of the following can be the action first added to the plan by the planner?

  • Pickup(A)
  • Pickup(D)
  • Putdown(B)
  • Stack(C,A)
  • Stack(B,D)
  • Stack(B,A)
  • Unstack(D,C)
  • Unstack(A,E)
Answer :- 

12. Let BSSP find a shortest plan. Which of the following can be the action added last to the plan by the planner?

  • Pickup(A)
  • Pickup(D)
  • Putdown(B)
  • Stack(C,A)
  • Stack(B,D)
  • Stack(B,A)
  • Unstack(D,C)
  • Unstack(A,E)
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13. In GSP, after PushSet executes for the first time, the stack will be __ . (In the stack, the TOP is on the left and the BOTTOM is on the right.)

  • { on(C,A), on(B,D) }; on(C,A); on(B,D); BOTTOM
  • { on(C,A), on(B,D) }; on(B,D); on(C,A); BOTTOM
  • on(C,A); on(B,D); { on(C,A), on(B,D) }; BOTTOM
  • on(B,D); on(C,A); { on(C,A), on(B,D) }; BOTTOM
Answer :- 

14. Which is the first action that will be pushed to the stack in GSP?

  • Pickup(A)
  • Pickup(D)
  • Putdown(B)
  • Stack(C,A)
  • Stack(B,D)
  • Stack(B,A)
  • Unstack(D,C)
  • Unstack(A,E)
Answer :- 

15. Which is the first action that will be popped out of the stack in GSP?

  • Pickup(A)
  • Pickup(D)
  • Putdown(B)
  • Stack(C,A)
  • Stack(B,D)
  • Stack(B,A)
  • Unstack(D,C)
  • Unstack(A,E)
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16. After the first action is added to the plan by GSP, the updated state S is ____________ .

  • onTable(E), onTable(C), clear(A), clear(D), clear(B), on(A,E), on(D,C), holding(B)
  • onTable(E), onTable(C), clear(A), clear(D), clear(B), on(A,E), on(D,C), on(B,D), armEmpty
  • onTable(E), onTable(C), clear(A), clear(B), on(A,E), on(D,C), on(B,D), armEmpty
  • onTable(E), onTable(C), clear(A), clear(B), on(A,E), on(D,C), armEmpty
Answer :- 

17. The Sussman Anomaly illustrates that ______________ .

  • even simple blocks problems may have non-serializable sub-goals
  • even simple blocks problems can have serializable sub-goals
  • Goal Stack Planning always finds the shortest plan in the blocks world domain
  • Backward State Space Planning always finds the shortest plan in the blocks world domain
Answer :- 

18. Given the start state { clear(A), on(A,B), onTable(B), clear(C), onTable(C), armEmpty }, which of the following sub-goal sequences (proposition sequences) are serializable?

  • on(A,C), on(B,A)
  • on(A,C), on(C,B)
  • on(C,B), on(B,A)
  • on(B,A), on(C,B)
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19. In Partial Order Planning (a.k.a. Plan Space Planning), a partial plan __ .

  • represents a set of plans
  • represents a single plan
  • may have flaws
  • None of the above
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20. In Partial Order Planning, __ .

  • plans are constructed from A_0 to A_∞
  • plans are constructed from A_∞ to A_0
  • A_0 < A_∞
  • A_∞ < A_0
Answer :- 

21. What are the necessary conditions for an action a1 to become a threat to a causal link (a2,P,a3)?

  • a1 produces Q such that P can be unified with ¬Q.
  • a1 produces ¬Q such that P can be unified with Q.
  • a1 occurs before a2.
  • a1 occurs after a2 and before a3.
  • a1 occurs after a3.
Answer :- For Answers Click Here 
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