NPTEL Basic Electrical Circuits Week 11 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Find the value of inductance of the upper inductor in the below circuit, for the system to be in critically damped condition.

- 1 H
- 4 H
- 5 H
- 2 H
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Based on the Figures below answer the following 3 Questions

2. What is the ωn for the circuits given in figure 1 & 2 respectively
104rad/s, 103rad/s
104rad/s, 105rad/s
105rad/s, 104rad/s
105rad/s, 103rad/s
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3. What is the Quality factor(Q) for the circuits given in figure 1 & 2 respectively
- 5×10-3,10
- 5×10-2,10
- 5×10-3,1
- 5×10-4,0.1
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4. What is the Damping factor (ζ) for the circuits given in figure 1 & 2 respectively
- 200,0.5
- 100,0.5
- 100,5
- 200,5
Answer :-
Refer to the below circuit diagram and answer questions 5,6

5. Find the voltage across the capacitor Vc(t) at time t=0 -.
- 2 V
- 4 V
- 3 V
- 1 V
Answer :-
6. After time t=0, Vc(t) will act like ___________________.
- Undamped
- Underdamped
- Overdamped
- Critically damped
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7. In the circuit given below, answer the following questions properly.

- iL(0-)=0.36 A
- iL(0-)=0.18A
- iL(t)=0.36e−5∗104t A
- iL (t)=0.18e−105t A
Answer :-
8. Find the current i(t) for the circuit shown below.

- i(t)=(40t+5)e−4tA
- i(t)=40te−4tA
- i(t)=5e−4tA
- None of the above
Answer :-
9. For the following circuit, state whether the system is _____________.

- Critically Damped
- Overdamped
- Underdamped
- Undamped
Answer :-
10. Answer the following based on the circuit diagrams given below.

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11. In the following figure find the value of inductance such that the system is critically damped.
Given that C = 1uF,R=5kΩ

- 200 H
- 100 H
- 150 H
- 300 H
Answer :-
12. In the below circuit, for R = 5Ω, find the value of 𝝵.

- 10
- 5
- 1
- 0.5
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