NPTEL Basic Electrical Circuits Week 12 Assignment Answers 2024
1. The steady state value of I in the below circuit is

- 1A
- 2A
- 3A
- 0.5A
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2. Find the time domain voltages V1(t) and V2(t) in the circuit shown below

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3. Based on the below circuit,find the value for time domain current i1

- 1 cos(103t + 30༠) A
- 1.24 sin(103t +45༠) A
- 1.24 cos (103t + 29.7༠) A
- 2.77 cos (103t + 56.3༠) A
Answer :-

Find the Value of RL*XL for the Maximum power Transfer
- 12.5j
- -12.5j
- 2j
- -2j
Answer :-
Answer the following 2 Questions based on the Below figure

5. Find the Value of Vout/Vin

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6. find the value of V1/Vin

Answer :-
7. Find the current I in the circuit given below,

- -j A
- j A
- (2 + 3j) A
- 2 A
Answer :-
8. Why does the phasor response and time response of the Voltage across the capacitor for the below circuit different. (Initial conditions are 0)

- Natural response does not die out
- Steady state response does not die out
- Phasor response does not work for current source
- None of these
Answer :-
9. The voltage across the capacitor (C Farads). What will be the expression for Current across the capacitor?
- CV1cos(ωt+1100)
- CV1sin(ωt+1100)
- CV1sin(ωt−700)
- CV1cos(ωt−900)
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10. Identify the nature of the load for the given phasor.

- Purely capacitive
- Purely inductive
- RL or RLC load
- RC or RLC load
Answer :-
Answer the following questions for the circuit shown belowGiven, The frequency is 50 Hz, and VS = Vm ∠0

11. Find L for which the output voltage leads Vs by 25o. What is|Vo|/|VS| in this case?
- 136 mH, 0.9
- 138 mH, 0.8
- 126 mH, 0.9
- 200 mH, 0.8
Answer :-
12. Compute the time difference between the zero crossings of VS(t) and Vo (t)-
- 1.4 ms
- 2.4 ms
- 1.0 ms
- 2.0 ms
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