NPTEL Basic Electrical Circuits Week 3 Assignment Answers 2024
1. From the below circuit find the power absorbed or delivered by the 5 V battery.

- 2.22 W delivered
- 5.55 W delivered
- 2.22 W absorbed
- 5.55 W absorbed
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2. From the below circuit diagram, find the current Ix, if V= 1 V, I= 1mA, and R= 1kΩ.
(Hint: use superposition)

- 1mA
- 250µA
- 125µA
- 500µA
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3. From the below circuit, find values of i1, i2 in options such that both 7 V and 5 V batteries absorb power. (There are many configurations possible, but only one of the given options satisfy it)

- i1= 3 A, i2= 5 A
- i1= 15 A, i2= 10 A
- i1= 9 A, i2= 5 A
- i1= 14 A, i2= 15 A
Answer :-
4. Calculate the power absorbed or delivered by the resistor and inductor in the below circuit at t=100us.
Consider L=1mH and R=1kΩ

- Pr = 25 mW ,PL = 0.25 mW
- Pr = – 25 mW , PL = 0.3 mW
- Pr = 35 mW, PL = 0.6 mW
- Pr = 50 mW, PL = – 0.6 mW
Answer :-
5. Determine the power absorbed by the R2 resistor.
R1=10Ω, R2=3Ω, R3=4Ω, R4=5Ω

- 10.63W
- 20.14W
- 6.02W
- 18.62W
Answer :-
6. Calculate the power supplied by the voltage source
R1=1Ω, R2=3Ω.

- 10W
- 6W
- 5W
- 0W
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7. Consider an element whose V-I relation is I=v2+3v−10. now find the voltage range, where it delivers power.
- (2,∞)
- (-∞,-5)
- (0,-5)
- Both A and C
Answer :-

In the image shown above R1 = 3Ω, find the value Ro so that maximum power is dissipated in Ro, also find the maximum power.
- Ro = 3Ω, Pmax = 108W
- Ro = 3Ω, Pmax = 432W
- Ro = 6Ω, Pmax = 432W
- Ro = 6Ω, Pmax = 144W
Answer :-

- 0.001 mW
- 0.005 mW
- 0.0001 mW
- 0.0005 mW
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10. In the circuit shown below, current is passing through an inductor which is varying with respect to time as shown in the graph (I vs t) below. The numbers in the graph below indicate the regions here (i.e. 1 indicating region-1). In which regions Inductor is consuming the power. Choose the correct option properly

- 1, 3 and 6 only
- 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 only
- 1, 3, 6, 7 only
- 1 and 3 only
Answer :-
11. In the circuit given below, find the energy absorbed by the voltage source till t = 3 sec. Given that in the cubic structure each side of the cube is carrying a resistor of value 6Ω. The current varying in circuit is shown below (I vs t curve), where I = 10Sin(ωt). [Here, 1, 2, 3, 4 indicated on the time axis are 1 sec, 2 sec, ….]
(Hint:- find the path of the current and determine equipotential points, so that you can simplify the circuit)

- -750 J
- 750 J
- 0 J
- -500 J
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12. In the circuit given below, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 are the bulbs (shown as resistor here). Find which bulb/bulbs will glow the brightest and which will glow the dimmest respectively.
Ratings of the bulbs are given here:
A1, A2 – 200W, 200V
B1, B2 – 200W, 400V
C1 – 500W, 100V-

- A1, A2, C1
- B1, B2, C1
- A1, B1, C1
- A2, B2, C2
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