NPTEL Computer Vision Week 5 Assignment Answers 2024

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6. Harris measure is invariant to 2D rotation
a) True
b) False
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7. Suppose the motion of the cameras is a pure translation with no rotation and no change in the internal parameters. One may assume that the two cameras are: P = K[I|0] and P′ = K[I|t]. If the camera translation is parallel to the x-axis, then e′ = (1, 0, 0)T . Can you compute fundamental matrix from the given information?

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8. Consider a stereo set-up with P and P′ (camera matrices for left and right camera) as given below:

If the image coordinates of a 3-D point are (4,6) and (7.33,6) in left and right cameras, compute its depth (z-coordinate) in the 3D.
a) 2.999
b) 2.762
c) 4.564
d) 3.003
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9. Assume matrix A has following SVD decomposition. Can A be an essential matrix?

a) Yes
b) No
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10. Consider the following matrix F and the camera matrices P and P′ (for left and right cameras). Which of the following statement (s) are true.

a) P and P′ are compatible to F as a fundamental matrix.
b) P and P′ are not compatible to F as a fundamental matrix.
c) Given the fundamental matrix F, P and P′ are the only pair of camera matrices.
d) P and P′ provide a unique fundamental matrix given one of its non-zero element fixed to the value 1.
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