NPTEL Computer Vision Week 6 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Which of the following is/are true for SIFT and SURF?
a) Computation of scale space and histograms of gradient direction are approximated in SURF compared to SIFT.
b) Integral of images are used in SURF to speed up computation.
c) Small Gaussians used in SIFT are approximated by box filters in SURF.
d) Haar wavelet responses are used to accumulate the orientation in SIFT and SURF descriptors.
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2. Which of the following is/are true?
a) RANSAC is best suited for fitting outliers..
b) Hough transform is best suited for line fitting in presence of many lines.
c) Kullback-Leiber Divergence is best suited to find the βoptimalβ line parameters when points belonging to a line are given.
d) The average case time complexity of NN Search using K-D tree is π(πππ(π) + 2π) where π is the dimension of the feature space.
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3. Consider the set of parametric equations π₯ = π‘3 + 2π‘2 and π¦ = π‘2 + π‘. representing a 2D curve. Compute the tangent vector at π‘ = 2.
a) (16, 6)
b) (16, 5)
c) (20, 5)
d) (20, 6)
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6. If an octave in SIFT operator has 10 images, then the scale factor by which each image in octave differs from the next image is
a) 1.080
b) 1.065
c) 1.071
d) 1.090
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7. Given two features each of size 7 as π (2, 4, 1, 3, 1, 1, 7) and π(5, 3, 5, 2, 1, 1, 8). Compute πΏ1 and πΏ2 norms between π and π, respectively.
a) 4 and 3.16
b) 4 and 2
c) 10 and 5.29
d) 10 and 3.16
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8. Which of the following is/are true for edge and corner detection?
a) A corner will have low maximal and minimal curvatures.
b) A corner will have high maximal and minimal curvatures.
c) An edge will have low maximal curvature, but very high minimal curvature.
d) An edge will have high maximal curvature, but very low minimal curvature.
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9. Given two features each of size 5 as π (3, 2, 4, 5, 1) and π(7, 2, 5, 3, 2). Compute πΏ1 norm between π and π.
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