NPTEL Deep Learning – IIT Ropar Week 3 Assignment Answers 2024

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NPTEL Deep Learning – IIT Ropar Week 3 Assignment Answers 2024

1. Choose the correct dimensions of W1 and a1

  • W1∈R6×3
  • W1∈R3×6
  • W1∈R1×6
  • a1∈R6×1
  • a1∈R1×6
  • a1∈R1×1
Answer :- For Answers Click Here

2. How many learnable parameters(including bias) are there in the network?

Answer :- For Answers Click Here

3. Which of the following loss functions can be used for the classification problem?

  • Means Squared error
  • Cross entropy
  • Both Mean Squared Error and Cross Entropy loss can be used
Answer :- 

4. We have a multi-classification problem that we decide to solve by training a feedforward neural network. What activation function should we use in the output layer to get the best results?

  • Logistic
  • Step function
  • Softmax
  • linear
Answer :- For Answers Click Here

5. We have data x with the following labels y = [‘car’, ‘bus’, ‘bike’, ‘car’, ‘bus’, ‘car’, ‘bus’, ‘bike’, ‘car’]. Which of the following distribution will give the lowest cross-entropy loss with y? (Distribution is given in the following order [‘car’, ‘bus’,‘bike’])?

  • [0.49,0.30,0.21]
  • [0.44,0.33,0.22]
  • [0.50,0.30,0.20]
  • [0.44,0.39,0.19]
Answer :- 

6. Which of the following statements about backpropagation is true?

  • It is used to compute the output of a neural network.
  • It is used to initialize the weights in a neural network.
  • It is used to optimize the weights in a neural network.
  • It is used to regularize the weights in a neural network.
Answer :- 

7. Given two probability distributions p and q, under what conditions is the cross entropy between them minimized?

  • All the values in p are lower than corresponding values in q
  • All the values in p are lower than corresponding values in q
  • p=0(0 is a vector)
  • p=q
Answer :- For Answers Click Here

8. Given that the probability of Event A occurring is 0.80 and the probability of Event B occurring is 0.20, which of the following statements is correct?

  • Event A has a low information content
  • Event A has a high information content
  • Event B has a low information content
  • Event B has a high information content
Answer :- 

9. What is the predicted output for the given input x after doing the forward pass? (Choose the option closest to your answer)

Answer :- 

10. Compute and enter the loss between the output generated by input x and the true output y

Answer :- For Answers Click Here
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