NPTEL Digital Circuits Week 12 Assignment Answers 2024
1. The program status word (PSW) register pair of 8085 is made up of___________.
a) DE register pair
b) BC register pair
c) HL register pair
d) Accumulator and Flag registers
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2. Which of the following is a non-vectored interrupt for 8085 microprocessor?
c) RST 7.5
d) RST 6
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4. 8086 is__________bit processor.
a) 16 bit
b) 8 bit
c) 32 bit
d) 64 bit
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5. Which of the following interrupt is NOT affected by the contents of interrupt enable flip-flop?
c) RST 5.5
d) RST 6.5
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6. In 8085, which of the following instruction is equivalent to CALL 0038h?
a) RST 5
b) RST 6
c) RST 7
d) RST 8
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7. The operating mode of 8086 after applying active low at MN/MX’ is_____________.
a) minimum mode
b) maximum mode
с) supervisor mode
d) User mode
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8. Which of the following statements is TRUE, for the program given below?
MVI A, 29h
A) RST 7.5 interrupt is masked
B) RST 6.5 interrupt is masked
C) RST 5.5 interrupt is masked
D) Serial transmission is enabled
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9. Which of the following interrupt is both level and edge sensitive?
b) RST 7.5
c) RST 6.5
d) RST 5.5
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10. Which of the following statement is TRUE for 8085 microprocessor?
a) RIM instruction is used for checking the status of the RST 7.5 interrupt
b) RIM instruction is used for masking/unmasking of RST6.5 interrupt
c) RIM instruction is used for checking the status of the TRAP interrupt
d) RIM instruction is used for masking/unmasking of TRAP interrupt
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11. Which of the following statement is TRUE, after the following instructions are executed in 8085
MVI A, 2Bh
a) Serial data transmission is enabled
b) RST 7.5 interrupt is masked
c) RST 7.5 interrupt is available
d) RST 6.5 interrupt is available
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12. In 8086, ALU operated on_____________data.
a) 8-bit
b) 16-bit
c) 20-bit
d) 32-bit.
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13. Which of the following instruction is an example direct addressing mode for 8086 microprocessor?
b) MOV BH, 23H
c) MOV DX. [1234H]|
d) MOV AX. [BX+08H]
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14. The contents of CS register is 5689H and IP register is 0053H. Which of the following is the physical address for given CS and IP value?
a) 568E3H
b) 56DCH
c) 586E3H
d) 568D3H
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15. Which of the following 8086 instructions utilizes the implied addressing mode?
B) JZ 15h
D) MOV DL. 08H
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