NPTEL Digital Image Processing Week 10 Assignment Answers 2024

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2. Which of the following the most suitable metric for match or mismatch measure in template matching?
a) Sum of squared difference.
b) Cross co-relation
c) Normalised cross-correlation
d) None of these
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3. In which of the following application(s), image registration is used.
a) Template Matching
b) Mosaicing
c) Image Fusion
d) All of these
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5. In which of the following restoration techniques, noise parameters estimation is required?
a) Constrained least square filtering
b) Weiner filtering
c) Inverse filtering
d) All of these
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6. In Minimum Mean Square Error Filtering, which of the following is/are true?
I. Both the degradation function and statistical characteristics of noise are considered for restoration.
II. Both the image and noise are considered as random processes and objective is to find an estimate.
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Both I and II
d) None of the above mentioned.
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7. The advantage of the Wiener filter over Inverse Filter is due to which of the following options?
a) Transfer function of Wiener Filter is chosen to minimise the mean square error using statistical information of only image fields.
b) Transfer function of Wiener Filter is chosen to minimise the mean square error using statistical information of only noise fields.
c) Transfer function of Wiener Filter is chosen to minimise the mean square error using statistical information of both image and noise fields.
d) None of the above
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8. For image registration of two images, minimum point correspondences are required to establish pixel relations of an object?
a) 8
b) 2
c) 6
d) 4
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