NPTEL Digital Image Processing Week 9 Anssignmnet Answers 2024
1. In which of the following filter, the intensity at a particular point in the image, is a product of two terms, one is the illumination term, other one is the reflectance term ?
a) Laplacian filter
b) High Boost filter
c) Gaussian filter
d) Homomorphic filter
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2. Which of the following filter does not produce ringing effect?
I. Gaussian Low Pass Filter
II. Ideal low pass filter
III. Low Pass Butterworth Filter of higher order
IV. Low Pass Butterworth Filter of low order
a) I, lI
b) I, I
c) I, IV
d) I, II, II
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4. In case of inverse filtering, if the cut off frequency is significantly high then which of the following is true?
a) Restored image becomes blurry
b) Restored image close to original image
c) Noise in restored image dominates
d) None of these
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5. A function is linear position invariant if it satisfies
a) Superposition theorem
b) Position invariance
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above mentioned
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7. Which of the following function satisfy linear position invariance property?
a. y (n) = n x(n)
b. y (n) = x°(n)
c. y (n) = 0.5(х(n) + x(n – 1))
d. All of above
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8. In which of the following method estimation of degradation function is required?
a) Image restoration
b) Image enhancement
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
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