NPTEL E-Business Week 11 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Which of the following dimensionality reduction method combined product subcategories into a common category?
a. Adjusted Product Taxonomy
b. Latent Semantic Indexing
c. Clustering
d. All of the above
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2. The offline computations in user-user collaborative filtering is __ the offline computation of item-item collaborative filtering
a. Exactly equal to
b. Higher than
c. Lower than
d. Both user-user and item-item do not have any offline computation.
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3. If you have m users and n items in a recommender system setting, the minimum number of similarity computations to be performed for collaborative filtering in both are and _ respectively.

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4. Which of the following step of apriori algorithm has to refer to the database of transactions to identify the item sets which satisfy the minimum support.
a. Join
b. Prune
c. Delete
d. Merge
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5. You have the user demographic details and preference matrix to build a model for demographic based recommender system. The input variables for this model are the user demographic features and output variable is
a. Item level preference
b. Item category preference of the user
c. Item features
d. User-Item similarity
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6. Which of the following dynamic pricing model can best ensure that the price equilibrium in the market is achieved.
a. Inventory based model
b. Data driven models
c. Simulation models
d. Auction
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7. Which of the following auction the price increases in each iteration
a. Dutch auction
b. English auction
c. Reverse auction
d. All of the above
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8. Which of the following is the payment rule for second price auction.
a. The second highest bidder get the item at the price he/she quoted.
b. The second highest bidder get the item at the price quoted by the highest bidder
c. The highest bidder gets the item with the price quoted by the second highest bidder.
d. The seller is free to choose between the first and the second bidder.
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9. Sealed bid auctions are called direct mechanism because
a. There is direct submission of bid
b. There is no feedback in terms of price signal
c. There is no feedback in terms of bidder information
d. There is direct negotiations with the bidders
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10. A store offers 10% discount if the total purchase exceeds Rs. 10,000. This is an example of
a. First degree price differentiation
b. Second degree price differentiation
c. Third degree price differentiation
d. Third degree price differentiation
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