NPTEL Educational Leadership Week 4 Assignment Answers 2024

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NPTEL Educational Leadership Week 4 Assignment Answers 2024

1. According to the ability model, emotional intelligence consists of ___________ abilities.

A. five
B. four
C. three
D. seven

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2. The ability model considers emotions as sources of _ which help individuals respond appropriately to the social context.

A. information
B. inspiration
C. happiness
D. social security

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3. The ability of _____________ refers to the ability to detect & read emotions in self.

A. managing emotions
B. understanding emotions
C. using emotions
D. perceiving emotions

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4. Daniel Goleman has given the __________ model of emotional intelligence?

A. ability
B. mixed
C. leadership
D. personality

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5. ______________ is the ability to put oneself in others’ shoes and understand their emotions.

A. Emotional regulation
B. Self-awareness
C. Emotional labor
D. Empathy

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6. _____________ leadership style demands compliance.

A. affiliative
B. democratic
C. coercive
D. coaching

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7. ‘Come with me’ is the message given by ___________ leadership style.

A. coaching
B. authoritative
C. democratic
D. affiliative

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8. Idealized influence and intellectual stimulation are intelligence traits of ________ leadership.

A. transformational
B. emotional
C. social
D. transactional

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9. There are two types of emotional regulation, ___________ focused and ___________ focused.

A. deep, surface
B. sympathy, empathy
C. antecedent, response
D. process, outcome

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10. ___________ is a process by which emotions shared across a group in a social context.

A. Emotional regulation
B. Emotional labour
C. Emotional contagion
D. Emotional intelligence

Answer :- For Answer Click here
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