NPTEL Environment and Development Week 4 Assignment Answers 2024

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NPTEL Environment and Development Week 4 Assignment Answers 2024

1. Arne Naess’s concept of human self-realization refers

  • The ecological others
  • The ecological community
  • The ecological self
  • None of these
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2. Which of the following best characterizes shallow ecology?

  • It is anthropocentric, or human centered
  • It views humans as above or outside of nature, as the source of all value
  • It ascribes only instrumental, or ‘use’, value to nature
  • All of these
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3. Who among the following authored the book Wilderness and the American Mind, published in 1967?

  • Roderick Nash
  • Lynn White
  • Murray Bookchin
  • Rachel Carson
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4. What is the Judeo-Christian belief about human-nature interactions?

  • Man was meant to dominate nature
  • Nature was meant to dominate man
  • Man was meant to pacify nature
  • Nature was meant to pacify man
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5. What is the dominant environmental tradition in North America?

  • Free flowing rivers and natural forests are cherished by environmentalists for their beauty and commercial value
  • Free flowing rivers and natural forests are cherished by environmentalists for cultural and commercial value
  • Free flowing rivers and natural forests are cherished by environmentalists for their beauty and ecological value
  • None of these
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6. Gandhian concept of environmentalism relies on

  • Social and religious viewpoints
  • Moral and religious viewpoints
  • Moral and cultural viewpoints
  • Political and religious viewpoints
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7. What does Sarvodaya signifies?

  • The awakening or liberation of one and all without exception
  • The awakening of humanity along with other species in the earth
  • Protection of nature
  • All of these
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8. What does social ecology claims?

  • The environmental crisis is a result of the non-hierarchical organization of power and the authoritarian mentality rooted in the structures of our society
  • The environmental crisis is a result of the hierarchical organization of power and the authoritarian mentality rooted in the structures of our society
  • The environmental crisis is a result of the non-hierarchical organization of power and the colonial mentality rooted in the structures of our society
  • The environmental crisis is a result of the hierarchical organization of power and the colonial mentality rooted in the structures of our society
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9. Some people from the Third World express a suspicion that deep ecology is a new variant of Western domination and

  • Modernism
  • Post-modernism
  • Colonialism
  • Neo-Colonialism
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10. Which of the following tribe, guided by their shamans, make use of various myths and rituals that prevent over-hunting and over-fishing?

  • Red Indians
  • Tukano Indians
  • Ayoreo
  • Yanomami
Answer :- For Answers Click Here
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