NPTEL Integrated Waste Management For A Smart City Assignment Answer week 1,2 2023

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NPTEL Integrated Waste Management For A Smart City Assignment Answer

Integrated Waste Management For A Smart City

NPTEL Integrated Waste Management For A Smart City Assignment Answer week 1 2023

1. Which of the following is the most favoured method of waste management?

a. Recycle
b. Waste minimization
c. Disposal
d. Reuse

Answer :- b. Waste minimization 

2. Select the true statement from the following statements related to the greenhouse effect of methane and carbon dioxide?

a. CH4 is a less potent greenhouse gas than CO2
b. CHa is not a greenhouse gas but CO2
c. Neither CHa nor CO2 is greenhouse gases
d. CH4 is a more potent greenhouse gas than COz

Answer :- d. CH4 is a more potent greenhouse gas than COz

3. Diversion of collected waste from disposal sites to recycling centers is a approach.

a. Cradle to Grave
b. Cradle to Gate
c. Cradle to Cradle
d. Both a and b model of

Answer :- c. Cradle to Cradle 

4. The activities including design, manufacture, purchase or use of materials and products to reduce the amount of waste or toxicity of what is thrown away throughout the life cycle are called

a. Composting
b. Source reduction
c. Incineration
d. All of the above

Answer :- b. Source reduction 

5. State whether the following statement is true or false The natural decomposition of organic material significantly reduces if heavy metals are present in the waste.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- a. True 

6. You are appointed as a planning engineer for the solid waste handling project. You were given the task of determining the most expensive component of the waste handling project. With the knowledge gained through this process, what is the most costly part of solid waste handling?

a. Collection
b. Storage
c. Treatment
d. Separation

Answer :- a. Collection 

7. Identify the combustible gas that is released from the degradation of waste from the landfill?

a. CO2
b. HO
c. CHA
d. CO

Answer :- c. CHA 

8. Which component of the municipal solid waste is used to prepare organic compost?

a. Glass
b. Metal
c. Food waste
d. Plastic

Answer :- c. Food waste 

9. Suppose you are an engineer in a landfill construction project. The team planned to design a double liner system for the landfill. What is the recommended depth and coefficient of permeability for compacted soil?

a. 2ft and K <= 10-6 cm/sec
b. 2ft and K <= 10-7 cm/sec
c. 3ftandK <= 10-6 cm/sec
d. 3ft and K <= 10-7 cm/sec

Answer :- d. 3ft and K <= 10-7 cm/sec

10. Among the following techniques, which isn’t a waste-to-energy technique?

a. Composting
b. Mass burning
c. Combustion of Refuse Derived Fuel
d. All of the above

Answer :- a. Composting 

11. Which gas produced from landfills is called a renewable energy source?

a. Methane
b. Carbon dioxide
C. Oxygen
d. None of the above

Answer :- a. Methane 

12. What is composting?

a. Natural aerobic decomposition of organic matter in the solid waste
b. Anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in a closed reactor
c. Burning of organic matter
d. All of the above

Answer :- a. Natural aerobic decomposition of organic matter in the solid waste

13. State whether the following statement is true or false. Source segregation is the key to developing a better solid waste management system.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- a. True 

14. Expand ICA and RCRA

a. Life Cost Approach: Resource Construction and Recovery Act
b. Life Cycle Assessment: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
c. Life Condition Assessment: Resource Conservation and Recycling Act
d. Life Cell Assessment: Resource Construction and Reuse Act

Answer :- b. Life Cycle Assessment: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 

15. Life cycle assessment is used to determine the environmental footprint of any product.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- a. True 

NPTEL Integrated Waste Management For A Smart City Assignment Answer week 2 2023

1. Acetic acid formed in the landfill degradation process is the substrate for which of the following specific microorganism?

a. Acidogenic bacteria
b. Aerobic bacteria
c. Methanogenic bacteria
d. Anaerobic bacteria

Answer :- c. Methanogenic bacteria 

2. Maximum BOD occurs in which phase of the waste stabilization process of landfill?

a. Preliminary aerobic
b. Acid forming
c. Final aerobic
d. Methane forming

Answer :- b. Acid forming 

3. What are the typical quantities of gases released from the waste stabilization of landfills?

a. 60% CH4 and 40% CO2
b. 50% CHa and 50% CO2
c. 40% CH4 and 60% COz
d. 90% CH4 and 10% CO2

Answer :- a. 60% CH4 and 40% CO2 

4. Assertion (A): In the TCLP test, the solid waste particle size is reduced to less than 1 cm. Reason (R): The finer particles have more surface area and that helps in improvement of reaction rate significantly.

a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and Rare true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true, but R is false.
d. A is false, but R is true.
e. Both A and Rare false.

Answer :- a. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A. 

5. State whether the following statement is true or false TCLP test simulates the worst-case scenario of a waste leachability within the MSW landfill.

a. True
b. False

Answer :- a. True

6. Why is a waste to energy conversion unsuitable for waste with high moisture content?

a. Latent heat of vaporization is less for water compared to other compounds
b. The latent heat vaporization is high for water compared to other compounds
c. The phase change is independent of latent heat of vaporization
d. None of the above

Answer :- b. The latent heat vaporization is high for water compared to other compounds 

7. Why do we perform ultimate analysis for solid waste?

a. To estimate the chemical formula of solid waste
b. To do the quantification of gases produced on degradation of solid waste
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

Answer :- c. Both a and b 

8. The moisture content of the solid waste is 68%, the initial weight of the waste sample with crucible is 50.23 g, and the dry, empty weight of the crucible is 30.63 g. Calculate the oven-dried weight of the solid waste, excluding the crucible weight.

a. 15.33
b. 43.96
c. 30.63
d. 6.27

Answer :- d. 6.27

9. Ignitibility, corrosivity, reactivity and toxicity are characteristics of waste.

a. Construction and demolition waste
b. Hazardous Waste
c. Agricultural waste
d. Household waste

Answer :- b. Hazardous Waste 

10. If the energy content of solid waste as discarded is 210 KJ/Kg. Find energy content on a dry basis if the moisture content of solid waste is 9%. Also, find energy content as an ash-free dry basis if ash content is 6%.

a. 182 KJ/Kg. 197.5 KJKg
b. 231 KJ Kg. 247 KJ/Kg
c. 285 KJ/Kg. 295 KJ/Kg
d. 320 KJ/Kg. 335 KJ/Kg

Answer :- b. 231 KJ Kg. 247 KJ/Kg 

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