NPTEL Introduction to Operating Systems Week 7 Assignment Answers 2024

By Sanket

NPTEL Introduction to Operating Systems Week 7 Assignment Answers 2024

1. In the dining philosopher problem if each philosopher takes up the left fork at the same time then there will be no starvation.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- For Answers Click Here 

2. Consider the following two statements and state if they are True or False.

I. Dining philosopher’s solution with just a mutex is more efficient than the one using the semaphores since using mutex you can have more than one philosopher eating at the same time.
II. In the dining philosopher’s solution with semaphore and mutex a philosopher can only pick up a fork and start eating when the neighbours are not eating

  • I – False II – True
  • I – False II – False
  • I – True II – True
  • I – True II – False
Answer :- For Answers Click Here 

3. Mutual exclusion means sharing of one resource by only one process at a time.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- 

4. If for a scheduler, pre-emption is intentionally turned off then it might lead to a deadlock.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- 

5. A circular wait condition is sufficient to predict whether a deadlock has occurred or not in a system having multiple instance of resources

  • True
  • False
Answer :- For Answers Click Here 

6. If the available resource entries in the available matrix cannot satisfy the entries of the request matrix then the system is definitely in a deadlock state.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- 

7. A deadlock means that the processes have been in an unsafe state sometime in the past. However processes in an unsafe state doesn’t necessarily mean they are in a deadlock state.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- For Answers Click Here 

8. Circular wait can be avoided by arranging requests in sequential or hierarchical order

  • True
  • False
Answer :- 

9. Match the following for threads

I. Threads A – shared
II. Stack B – shared
III. Heap C – not shared
IV. Global data D – light weight

  • I – D II – B III – A IV – C
  • I – D II – C III – A IV – B
  • I – C II – D III – A IV – B
  • I – D II – B III – C IV – B
Answer :- 

10. Processes are time efficient than threads because they do Inter Process Communication using system calls which are faster

  • True
  • False
Answer :- For Answers Click Here 
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