NPTEL Natural Resources Management Week 12 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Water scarcity affects more than ____________% of the global population
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 80
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2. Water-related disasters account for _____________% of all deaths related to natural disasters.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 70
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3. DSS is known as _________
a. Density stress-strain
b. Decision support system
c. Decision sports system
d. Damped spring system
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4. A manometer is used for measurement of ______________
a. Pressure
b. Flow rate
c. Velocity
d. Electricity
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5. In hydrology, the water flow velocity is measured by ____________
a. Tachometer
b. Current meter
c. Anemometer
d. Accelerometer
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6. Full form of SCADA is ________________
a. Super critically Control and Data Acquisition
b. Supervisory Consumed and Damage Acquisition
c. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
d. Supervisory Control and Data Assimilation
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7. RTU stands for _____________
a. Remote terminal units
b. Reverse terminal units
c. Remote terminal utilities
d. Reverse temporal units
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8. Which of the following models helps in water resources system
a. Hydrologic model
b. Hydraulic model
c. Climate model
d. All of these
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9. Which of the following is associated to pipe network system analysis?
a. Simulation-optimization framework
b. Frictional head loss
c. Hardy-cross method
d. All the above
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10. An area that drains into a single outlet and is surrounded by a definite boundary is known as __________
a. Dune
b. Watershed
c. Out-wash plane
d. Zeugen
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11. In a catchment outlet reservoir X, the inflow Ix is 1.2 times the outflow Qx. In a catchment outlet reservoir Y, the inflow IY is 1.4 times the outflow QY. If QX: QY = 3: 1, then what is the value of SX: SY?
a. 1: 1
b. 2: 3
c. 3: 2
d. 1: 3
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12. A farmer has a fence available of 200 m for his rectangular plot. But an irrigation canal is passing through one side of his land. He required no fencing along with the canal. Calculate the maximum area in ha
a. 1
b. 0.25
c. 0.2
d. 0.5
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13. Two emergency spillways are constructed in two reservoirs for soil and water management purposes. The inflow, outflow, and storage at the starting time are zero. The relation between Outflow (Q) and storage (S) is Q = S / 5400 for reservoir 1 and Q = S / 3600. Compute the outflow ratios for both spillways at the end of 3 h if the inflow rate is the same for both reservoirs.
a. 1: 1
b. 5: 6
c. 6: 5
d. 3: 2
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14. An electrical optical fiber needs to be installed between two stations, 1 and 2. 1 is situated on one side of a river, and 1 is situated on the other side, 500 m away from station 1. The river is 100 m wide. If the ratio of the cost of installation per meter length of fiber through the ground with the cost of installation per meter length of fiber through the river is 3: 5, then the minimum total installation cost C of the optical fiber in the following expressions as C = mC1 + nC2. The values of m and n are respectively given as_____
a. m = 425, n = 125
b. m = 25, n = 75
c. m = 125, n = 425
d. m = 75, n = 25
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15. A land is subdivided into three rectangular plots equally. One plot for rice cultivation, one plot for potato cultivation, and the other for brinjal cultivation. Two roads are crossing each other as shown in the figure inside the land. What is the angle x formed between the road?
a. 15⁰
b. 30⁰
c. 45⁰
d. 60⁰

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