NPTEL Natural Resources Management Week 8 Assignment Answers 2024

By Sanket

NPTEL Natural Resources Management Week 8 Assignment Answers 2024

1. IIED stands for

a) International Institute for Environment and Development
b) International Insititute for Economy and Development
c) Indian Insititute for Economy and Development
d) Indian Institute for Environment and Development

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2. What percentage of Kenya is considered arid and semi arid?

a) 80%
b) 73%
c) 90%
d) 83%

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3. The output of the screening process in EIA is a document called _______________.

a) Initial Environmental Examination
b) Initial Environmental Report
c) Initial Screening Report
d) Initial Screening Examination

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4. The ____________ provides details of all the information required for the EIA review committee to make an informed decision about awarding an Environmental licence

a) Initial environmental Examination
b) Terms of Reference
c) Environmental Impact Assessment
d) Environmental Licence Examination

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5. Which of the following is not an approach of Mitigation and Impact management step of EIA?

a) Replace
b) Reduce
c) Recycle
d) Avoid

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6. Public participation in terms of EIA is defined as “the involvement of individuals and groups that are positively or negatively affected, or that are interested in, a proposed project, programme, plan or policy that is subject to a decision-making process”. This definition was given by:

a) EPA

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7. Scoping comes under which part of an EIA project cycle?

a) Pre-feasibility
b) Feasibility
c) Detailed survey
d) Detailed design

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8. According to FAO, what is the forest cover of Kenya in 2005?

a) 3,620,000 ha
b) 3,640,000 ha
c) 3,660,000 ha
d) 3,680,000 ha

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9. After CBNRM introduction, the area of Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya increased to _____________ sq km.

a) 660
b) 789
c) 1500
d) 1510

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10. _________ are cause effect flow diagrams used to help in tracing the web relationships that exist between different activities associated with action and environmental system with which they interact.

a) Matrices
b) Checklists
c) Networks
d) Links

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11. An impact that lasts for 10 to 20 years is defined as?

a) Long term impact
b) Medium term impact
c) Short term impact
d) High impact

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12. Select the correct option.
Statement (i): Social Impact Assessment (SIA) includes the processes of analyzing, monitoring and managing the intended and unintended social consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions and any social change processes invoked by those interventions.
Statement (ii): the above mentioned tstaement was stated by Vanclay in 1980

a) Statement (i) is correct
b) Statement (i) is false
c) Statement (ii) is correct
d) Statement (ii) is false

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13. Volume of cylinder A is a function of the radius of the cylinder r and height h. The increase of r and h for separately 10% increase in volume by x% and y% respectively while doing a local sensitivity analysis. Then which is correct in terms of the sensitivity of r (Sr) and sensitivity of h (Sh)?

a) Sr > Sh
b) Sr < Sh
c) Sr = Sh
d) Cannot be determined

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14. While designing a Public consultation and disclosure (PC&D) team, which statement is/are not correct?

a) Target those segments of the public most likely to see themselves as impacted by the decision (stakeholders)
b) Be well integrated into the decision-making process
c) Involve interested stakeholders in the final stage of decision making
d) Provide alternative levels of participation based upon the public’s level of interest and reflecting the diversity of those participating

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15. Statement (i): The draft EIA report should be submitted to the Natural resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) for review
Statement (ii): The draft EIA report is distributed to organizations, such as public libraries, relevant organizations near the project site and a public presentation is arranged by the proponents and consultants.
Pick the correct option.

a) Only Statement (i) is correct
b) Only Statement (ii) is correct
c) Statement (i) is correct, (ii) is incorrect
d) Both are correct

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