NPTEL Project Management : Planning, Execution, Evaluation and Control Week 2 Assignment Answers 2024

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4. To see if a potential new project fits within the whole, an organization may consider interactions
among various portfolio projects, such as interdependencies, competing resources, and timing.
These activities best fit within the___________ step of the process phase of the portfolio selection process.
a. individual project analysis
b. screening
c. prescreening
d. portfolio selection
Answer :-
5. A simple scoring model is used to decide among three projects that we’ll call A, B, and C. The
total score for project A is 30, for project B is 20, and for project C is 10. Which of the following
statements is BEST?
a. If project A is successfully completed, it will yield three times the benefits that project C
would have provided.
b. If project C is chosen, the company would benefit only half as much as if they had chosen
project B.
c. Project C is better than project B for this company at this point in time.
d. Project A is better than project B for this company at this point in time.
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6. Which of the following combinations represents the two extremes of project organization?
a. Strong matrix and balanced matrix
b. Functional and projectized
c. Projectized and balanced matrix
d. Projectized and strong matrix
e. Strong matrix and functional
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7. ______________organization is a hybrid form in which a horizontal project management structure is
“overlaid” in the normal functional hierarchy.
a. Functional
b. Matrix
c. Project
d. Balanced
e. Neutral
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8. All of the following are functions culture plays in an organization EXCEPT
a. It provides a sense of identity.
b. It helps legitimize the management system.
c. It replaces the need for a project selection process.
d. It helps create social order.
e. It clarifies and reinforces standards of behavior.
Answer :-
9. From the list below, which is NOT a primary characteristic of organizational culture?
a. Control
b. Team emphasis
c. Profitability
Conflict tolerance
e. Risk tolerance
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10. An organization in which project managers have ultimate responsibility for their projects and control of all resources is:
a. Functional
b. Balanced matrix
C. Hierarchical
d. Heavyweight project (projectized) organization
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