NPTEL Project Management : Planning, Execution, Evaluation and Control Week 5 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Your customer has requested a minor change to the project that “shouldn’t impact the schedule.” How should you respond?
a. Authorize the change to maintain good customer relations
b. Refuse the change because you wish to avoid scope creep
c. Evaluate the impact of the change against the other project constraints.
d. Involve top management to determine the best course of action
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2. Placing resources on a detailed schedule of tasks is referred to as:
a. Placing.
b. Rectifying.
c. Loading.
d. Dragging.
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4. Susan is to conduct environmental testing but the chamber cannot hold all the equipment that she
wants to test. This is an example of a constraint that could impact the sequence and timing of activities in a project network. What type of constraint is it?
a. Physical
b. Technical
c. Resource
d. Scheduling
e. Time
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5. Resource leveling is a method to:
a. Make sure everyone working on the project has approximately the same amount of work to accomplish
b. A technique in which start and finish dates are adjusted based on resource constraints with the goal of balancing demand for resources with the available supply
c. Use a calendar to identify the working days and shifts on which each specific resource is available
d. None of the above
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6. Tony has realized that two activities in his project cannot be done at the same time because not enough resources are available. Activity 3 is critical and has a duration of 5 days. Activity 4 has 2 days of slack and a duration of 2 days. How will he decide which activity should be scheduled first?
a. The activity with the smallest duration
b. The activity with the least slack
c. The activity with the most slack
d. The activity with the lowest identification number
c. The activity with the highest cost
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10. One of the benefits of resource-loading charts is that they:
a. Represent a method for finding available activity slack
b. Graphically display the amount of resources required as a function of time
c. Help resolve resource conflicts in multi-project settings
d. All of the above are benefits of using resource-loading charts
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