NPTEL Project Management Week 5 Assignment Answers 2024

By Sanket

NPTEL Project Management Week 5 Assignment Answers 2024

1. If ta, tm and tb are the optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time respectively in PERT network then the expected value formulae is

  • (ta + 3tm + tb)/6
  • (ta + 4tm + tb)/6
  • (ta – 4tm + tb)/6
  • (ta – 3tm + tb)/6
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2. Note: For Question # 2 to Question # 4 one should use data given which is as follows: The tasks, their respective precedence and their respective times for a job which has these activities, are given as follows


The time to complete the job is:

  • 21
  • 24
  • 26
  • 27
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3. The ES and EF for activity C is

  • ES = 0 and EF = 2
  • ES = 10 and EF = 13
  • ES = 5 and EF = 8
  • ES = 7 and EF = 10
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4. Float is available for activity/activities

  • Activities A and B
  • Activity A
  • Activity B
  • Activities C and D
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5. For the Project network shown, answer the Questions 5 and 6 based on the data provided. What is the critical path?

  • A-B-E-H-K
  • A-B-E-G-J
  • C-D-E-G-I-K
  • C-D-E-G-J
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6. What is the probability of meeting a desired 26 weeks completion time?

  • 0.2159
  • 0.2060
  • 0.2476
  • 0.1867
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7. An important assumption in PERT calculations is:

  • Activity times are normally distributed.
  • Activity times are independent.
  • A and B
  • A and C
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8. Which is/are features of PERT/CPM?

  • An estimate of how long a project will take.
  • A graphical display of project activities.
  • An indication of critical activities.
  • All the above
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9. In PERT, slack time equals

  • EST + t
  • LST – EST
  • Zero
  • EFT – EST
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10. Which of the following is one of the assumptions of PERT?

  • Total project completion time follows a normal probability distribution.
  • Activity times are dependent and correlated.
  • Project completion time follows a skewed chi-square distribution.
  • Activity times are known with certainty.
Answer :- For Answers Click Here 
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