NPTEL Python For Data Science Week 2 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Which of the following object does not support indexing?
- tuple
- list
- dictionary
- set
Answer :- d
2. Given a NumPy array, arr = np.array([[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]]), what is the output of the command, print(arr[0][1])?

Answer :- c
3. What is the output of the following code?

- [2, 3, 4, 5]
- [0 1 2 3]
- [1, 2, 3, 4]
- Will throw an error: Set objects are not iterable.
Answer :- For Answers Click Here
4. What is the output of the following code?

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5. Which of the following code gives output My friend’s house is in Chennai?

Answer :-
6. Let t1 = (1, 2, “tuple”, 4) and t2 = (5, 6, 7). Which of the following will not give any error after the execution?
- t.append(5)
- x=t2[t1[1]]
- t3=t1+t2
- t3=(t1,t2)
- t3=(list(t1),list(t2))
Answer :- For Answers Click Here
7. Let d = {1 : “Pyhton”, 2 : [1, 2, 3]}. Which among the following will not give the error after the execution?
- d[2].append(4)
- x=d[0]
- d[“one”]=1
- d.update(‘one′:2)
Answer :-
8. Which of the following data type is immutable?
- list
- set
- tuple
- dictionary
Answer :-
9. student = {‘name’: ‘Jane’, ‘age’: 25, ‘courses’: [‘Math’, ‘Statistics’]}
Which among the following will return
{‘name’: ‘Jane’, ‘age’: 26, ‘courses’: [‘Math’, ‘Statistics’], ‘phone’: ‘123-456’}
- student.update({‘age’ : 26})
- student.update({‘age’ : 26, ‘phone’: ‘123-456’})
- student[‘phone’] = ‘123-456’student.update({‘age’ : 26})
- None of the above
Answer :-
10. What is the output of the following code?

- [‘M’, ‘A’, ‘H’, ‘E’, ‘S’, ‘H’]
- [‘m’, ‘a’, ‘h’, ‘e’, ‘s’, ‘h’]
- [‘M’, ‘a’, ‘h’, ‘e’, ‘s’, ‘h’]
- [‘m’, ‘A’, ‘H’, ‘E’, ‘S’, ‘H’]
Answer :- For Answers Click Here