NPTEL Social Network Analysis Week 6 Assignment Answers 2024
1. The value of modularity for unweighted and undirected networks lies in the range of:
- [0,1]
- [0,1/2]
- [-1,1]
- [-1/2,1]
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2. Which of the following are overlapping community detection algorithms (multiple choice)
- Louvain
- BigClaim
- Clique percolation method
- Infomap
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3. For a network with N nodes, if each node is its own cluster, then the purity value so evaluated will be:
- 0.5
- N
- N/2
- 1
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4. Do we need ground truth labels for the Rand Index (RI) evaluation metric?
- Yes
- No
Answer :-
5. Given the following community assignments, which one will be preferred if modularity is to be considered as the deciding metric?

- (I)
- (II)
Answer :-
6. If a real-world network has small communities with well-connected intra edges and loosely connected inter edges, which metric will you prefer for detection of better communities?
- Modularity
- Permanence
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7. For a real-world network with billions of nodes, community detection is easier than community search.
- True
- False
Answer :-
8. What is the modularity of a network with N nodes, if all the nodes of it belong to a single community?
- 0
- 1
- N/2
- N
Answer :-
or Questions 9 and 10 –
Given the result of a community detection method below where the model detected three communities- 1, 2, and 3; and square, diamond, and circle are three ground truth communities.

9. Find the purity of the given prediction.
- 0.25
- 0.50
- 0.75
- 1.00
Answer :-
10. Find the Rand Index value of the given prediction.
- 0.708
- 0.619
- 0.824
- 0.503
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