NPTEL Social Network Analysis Week 7 Assignment Answers 2024
1. In a supervised random walk with restart (RWR), what does the restart probability (𝜶) of a node represent?
- Edge’s strength
- Topological information
- Optimization regularizer
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2. Is it true that link prediction can only predict missing links in a graph’s current state and cannot forecast future links?
- No
- Yes
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3. Assume that for a link prediction model applied on a network G(V, E), we have the following samples available for the actual (AL) and the predicted (PL) sets:
ALp = Actual positive links = {(a,b), (b,c), (c,d)}
ALn = Actual negative links = {(a,d), (a,c), (b,d)}
PLp = Predicted positive links = {(a,b), (b,c), (b,d)}
PLn = Predicted negative links = {(a,d), (a,c), (c,d)}
What is the accuracy of the system?
- 0.33
- 0.11
- 0.66
- 0.55
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4. If p(u,v) represents the probability of the formation of an edge between nodes u and v in an undirected setting, then based on the triadic closure property, one can hypothesize that:
- p(D,E) = p(C,F)
- p(D,E) > p(C,F)
- p(D,E) < p(C,F)
Answer :-
5. Which metric measures the number of actual negative links correctly predicted as negative by the model?:
- Precision
- Accuracy
- True Negative Rate
- Area Under Curve
Answer :-
6. What is the range of Mutual information (MI)?
- -1 < = MI < = 1
- 0 < = MI < = 1
- MI > = 0
- MI > = 1
- 0 < = MI < = 0.5
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7. In the link prediction problem, the number of nodes usually ____________.
- increases
- decreases
- remains same
Answer :-
For Questions 8 to 10 –
Use the given graph and find the similarity between nodes A and C:

8. Salton index
- 1/4
- 4/3
- -5
- 0
Answer :-
9. Common Neighbourhood
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 6
Answer :-
10. Jaccard Similarity
- 0.5
- 0.25
- 0
- 0.34
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