NPTEL Social Networks Week 3 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Why do some individuals have lower clustering coefficient?
- They prefer solitude
- They have no friends at all
- Their friends are from different circles
- They are too busy to socialize
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2. Which of the following best describes betweenness centrality of a node?
- All the paths between the given node and the highest degree node.
- All the shortest paths that pass through the given node.
- All the paths that pass through the given node.
- All the shortest paths between the given node and the highest degree node.
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3. What is the neighbourhood overlap of an edge connecting B and C from the below given graph?

- 1/2
- 2/5
- 1/6
- 1/4
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4. Compute the embeddedness of the edge AB in the graph H in Figure 1.
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
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5. Assume the neighborhood overlap of an edge ’e’ is 0, then ’e’ is
- local bridge
- strong tie
- an edge with high betweenness
- edge to be removed first in Girvan Newmann algorithm
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6. Consider a large social network where we have two communities C1 and C2 that are connected by only through two nodes P and Q. They exhibit a property called
- Neighborhood overlap
- Triads
- Structural holes
- Embeddedness
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7. Which of the following conditions is typically used to identify an ideal community within a network?
- High edge density within the community and low edge density with nodes outside the community
- Low clustering coefficient within the community and high clustering coefficient with nodes outside the community
- High degree centrality within the community and low degree centrality with nodes outside the community
- High neighborhood overlap within the community and high degree centrality with nodes outside the community
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8. Alex starts a new job and establishes connections with both his new colleagues and an external network of industry professionals. What role/property of social networks is exemplified by Alex in this situation?
- Structural hole
- Brokerage
- Both
- None
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9. According to Girvan Newman method, the most vital edge for connecting different regions of the network is the node with ——– betweenness.
- zero
- low
- high
- medium
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10. For each pair of nodes A and B in the graph, the flow between A and B divides itself evenly along all the possible shortest paths from A to B: so if there are k shortest paths from A and B, then 1/k units of flow pass along each one. Here we define the betweenness of an edge to be the total amount of flow it carries, counting flow between all pairs of nodes using this edge. Which edge will be removed first based on Girvan Newman method?

- 6-7
- 1-3
- 4-6
- 6-5
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