NPTEL Software Engineering Assignment Solution 2023

NPTEL Software Engineering Week 1 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Which of the following are not factors contributing to the software crisis?
a. Larger problems,
b. Poor project management
c. Increased use of Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools
d. Lack of adequate training in software engineering
e. Low reliability of the hardware platforms
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2. Which one of the following types of software development most closely resembles the exploratory style of software development?
a. First specify the software, then design the test cases, then develop the software, and keep on modifying it until it passes all the test cases
b. First specify the system, then develop the software, and finally test the developed software
c. First develop the software, and then keep on modifying the software until the customer accepts it
d. Keep on specifying a little, designing a little, and testing a little until the full software is developed
e. Develop a prototype to collect customer feedbacks, then develop the software, and finally test the developed software
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3. Which one of the following statements is FALSE about the consequence of developing software by deploying the exploratory style?
a. It is difficult to use exploratory style in team development environment
b. For moderate and large-sized projects, use of exploratory style leads to high cost and project delays
c. When exploratory approach is used to construct toy projects, such as assignments in an introductory programming course, the developed software is invariably of poor quality and also takes an unreasonable amount of time to complete.
d. Development of large projects using the exploratory style, sometimes leads to project failure
e. When large projects are developed using an exploratory style, very high-quality software is frequently produced.
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4. Which one of the following is not justified by the magic number 7?
a. Number independent variables in a function should not exceed 7.
b. A function should not call more than 7 functions
c. A function should not be called by more than 7 functions
d. Number of decision statements in a function should not exceed 7.
e. A function should not have more than 7 parameters
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5. Which one of the following involves using the abstraction principle?
a. Model building
b. Decomposition
c. Modularization
d. Structured programming
e. Functional decomposition
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6. Defects get introduced into a work product due to mistakes committed by the members of the development team. A mistake in an activity pertaining to which one of the following phases is likely to be most expensive to correct when detected during system testing?
a. System testing
b. Design
c. Coding and unit testing
d. Requirements analysis and specification
e. Maintenance
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7. Which of the following are implications of the magical number 7 in build and fix development projects?
a. Development effort increases exponentially with program size
b. Development effort increases linearly with program size
c. Development effort increases sub-linearly with program size
d. Development effort decreases linearly with program size
e. Each module should be decomposed into at least 7 modules in a good design
f. Each module should be decomposed into at most 7 modules in a good design
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8. Which of the following are not implications of severely restricted size of the short-term memory?
a. Difficulty in permanently remembering large amount of information.
b. Difficulty in developing a program with large number of variables
c. Difficulty in debugging a program with large number of variables
d. Difficulty in understanding a program with large number of variables
e. Difficulty in understanding a design in which each module is decomposed into a large number of modules
f. Difficulty in understanding a design in which a function calls a large number of other functions
g. Difficulty in understanding a design in which a function is called by a large number of functions
h. Difficulty in understanding a design in which a module is reused in many modules
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9. While using the exploratory development style, the effort required to develop a software grows exponentially with the size of the software. Which one of the following is a possible reason behind it?
a. Testing effort increases exponentially
b. Code size becomes exponentially large
c. As the number of independent variables in the program increases, it quickly exceeds the grasping power of an individual.
d. As the size of a program increases, it becomes very difficult to correct compilation errors.
e. As the size of a program increases, program compilation takes an unduly large amount of time.
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10. Which of the following are not justified by the magic number 7?
a. Number independent variables in a function should not exceed 7.
b. A function should not call more than 7 functions
c. A function should not have more than 7 statements
d. A function should not be called by more than 7 functions
e. Number of decision statements in a function should not exceed 7.
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NPTEL Software Engineering Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023
1. Which one of the following are not requirements gathering techniques?
a. Study existing procedures,
b. Discuss with customer and end-users,
c. Build prototypes of functions
d. Input and Output analysis
e. Analyze structure chart
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2. Which one of the following characteristics are usually not expected of an SRS (Software Requirements Specification) document?
a. Concise
b. Consistent
C. Complete
d. Formal
e. Optimal
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3. n SRS document should not include which of the following?
a. Functional requirements
b. Project management plan
c. Performance requirements
d. External interface requirements
e. Verification and validation plan
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4. Which of the following are not non-functional requirements?
a. The system should be portable
b. The system should be maintainable
c. Users should be able to check the status of their complaints raised by them in the past
d. The system should be usable by factory workers
e. Users should be able to register their complaints using the system
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5. Which one of the following should not be included in the checklist used for reviewing the SRS document?
a. Is each requirement testable?
b. Have the “how to implement” aspects been specified?
c. Is the initial state of the system defined?
d. Have the functional requirements been numbered?
e. Has the project management plan been prepared and included as a separate section?
f. Are the responses to exceptional conditions specified?
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6. Which one of the following is an important advantage of a decision table over a decision tree for specification of complex decision logic?
a. Specifies which variables are to be tested.
b. Specifies what actions are to be taken if the conditions are true.
c. Is more compact and therefore can meaningfully represent highly complex logic.
d. Specifies the order in which decision making is performed.
e. Visually depicts the sequence in which decision making logic is exercised
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7. Which one of the following assertions about functional requirements is FALSE?
A functional requirement is also called a behavioural requirement
b. The functional requirements are independent of each other
c. A functional requirement may consist of several scenarios of execution
d. A functional requirement is a statement of how certain inputs to program get converted to the corresponding outputs
e. Some of the functional requirements specify the required system performance
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8. Consider the following partial description of a campus security software. “The police officer on duty should be able to lodge a complaint against an erring driver.” Which one of the following types of requirements is this?
a. Functional requirement
b. Non-Functional requirement
c. Design requirement
d. Design constraint
e. External interface requirement
f. Goal of implementation
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9. Consider the following partial requirement for a software to be developed: “Before any unexpected system crash or shutdown all current data must be saved for seamless restoration.” It can be considered to be which one of the following types of requirements?
a. Functional requirement
b. Non-Functional requirement
c. Design constraint
d. Goal of implementation
e. External interface requirement
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10. Which one of the following most accurately states the time at which the requirement specification activity carried out during the requirements analysis and specification?
a. During requirements gathering activity
b. Before requirements analysis activity
c. Before requirements gathering activity
d. After requirements analysis activity
e. During requirements analysis activity
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11. Which one of the following are not requirements gathering techniques?
a. Task analysis
b. Scenario analysis
c. Structured analysis
d. Form analysis
e. SRS document review
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NPTEL Software Engineering Week 3 Assignment Answers 2023
1. Among the following modes of communication among the project team members, which one is most effective?
a. Carefully prepared documents
b. Pre-recorded video
c. Pre-recorded audio
d. Face to face communication with a whiteboard
Šµ. E-mail exchanges
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2. Which one of the following is not a basic principle of the agile model of software development?
a. Frequent delivery of versions, at least once every few weeks.
b. Completion of the SRS (Software Requirements Specification) document before the design phase.
c. Close cooperation between customers and developers.
d. Development of prototype before actual software development
e. Face-to-face communication among team members.
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3. Extreme programming (XP) model recommends to take the software development best practices to extreme.

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4. Which one of the following statements regarding Scrum software development is FALSE?
a. A sprint is a month-long iteration, during which an incremental product functionality is completed
b. No outside influence can interfere with the Scrum team during the Sprint
c. Before every sprint, the set of objectives it will achieve is documented in a chart
d. Scrum projects progress in a series of “sprints”
e. Customer can suggest changes during sprint, which is taken care during that sprint
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5. In a software development project that is using the scrum model, which one of the following responsibilities is not performed by the product owner?
a. Define the features of the product
b. Decide on release date and content
c. Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive
d. Accept or reject work results.
e. Attend daily scrum meetings
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6. In a scrum-based development project, which of the following responsibilities are not performed by the scrum master?
a. Decides on release date and content for every sprint
b. Remove impediments that the project team faces
c. Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive
d. Accept or reject work results.
e. Shield the team from external interferences
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7. In a scrum-based development project, which of the following sentences are FALSE regarding a daily scrum meeting?
a.This meeting does not address solving problems being faced by the developers
b. The primary purpose of this meeting is to enable the scrum master to identify the laggards in the development team
C. In this meeting, the team members make commitments to the scrum master about the progress they would achieve over the day
d. In this meeting, team members take stock of the progress achieved so far
e. In this meeting, team members update each other on what they are working on
f. The scrum master can track the progress of the team in this meeting
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8. Which of the following are false is regarding sprint burndown chart?
a. Depicts the total Sprint Backlog hours remaining per day
b. Shows the estimated amount of time to complete
c. It visually depicts the workflows to help manage it
d. Ideally should burn down to zero to the end of the sprint
e. It is a “big picture” view of project’s progress
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9. Which of the following are not characteristics of agile software development projects?
a. Shared code ownership
b. Implement the simplest solution to meet today’s problem
c. Each incremental delivery is preceded by prototype construction
d. Continual feedback from customer
e. Postpone integration until all the incremental deliveries are complete
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10. Which one of the following aspects of a software being developed are NOT its non-functional requirements (NFRs)?
a. Security
b. Price to be charged to the customer
c. Usability
d. Compliance to standards
e. Maintainability
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NPTEL Software Engineering Week 2 Assignment Answers 2023
1. Consider the following statement: “Software developed using modern development practices have
higher visibility.” Which one of the following is implied by this sentence?
a. Project documents are widely published
b. Documents are produced at each stage of development
C. The software development using modern development practices gets higher
attention from the customer.
d. Animation is used at each development stage
e. Projects undertaken using modern development practices garner frequent media
Answer :- b. Documents are produced at each stage of development
2. Which one of the following most accurately characterizes the 99% complete syndrome?
a. 99% of the project is completed on time.
b. 99% of the project is not completed on time.
c. 99% of project assumed to be complete, though in reality a much smaller part of the
project is complete.
d. 99% of project assumed to be complete, though in reality the full project is already
e. Project is completed in 99% of the originally estimated time.
Answer :- c. 99% of project assumed to be complete, though in reality a much smaller part of the project is complete.
3. Which of the following are not phases of the waterfall model of software development?
a. Requirements specification
b. Feasibility study
c. Unit testing
d. Maintenance
Šµ.Prototype development
Answer :- c. Unit testing Šµ.Prototype development
4. Of the following phases in the development of a typical software, which one requires the least
a. Requirements specification
b. Feasibility study
c. integration and system testing
d. Maintenance
e. Design
Answer :- b. Feasibility study
5. Which one of the following activities is not undertaken during the feasibility stage of the waterfall model?
a. Work out an overall understanding of the problem.
b. Formulate different solution strategies.
c. Examine alternate solution strategies
d. Specify the requirements of the system
e. Make project plan
Answer :- d. Specify the requirements of the system e. Make project plan
6. In a typical software development project, which of the following issues in the gathered
requirements are targeted to be removed during requirements analysis?
a. Ambiguity
b. Inconsistency
c. Incompleteness
d. Formality
e. Description of the user characteristics
Answer :- a. Ambiguity b. Inconsistency c. Incompleteness
7. Which of the following most accurately state the important goals of system testing?
a. Ensure that the developed system is fault free
b. Ensure that the developed system functions according to its functional requirements
as specified in the SRS document.
C. Ensure that the developed system meets all its quality requirements
d. Ensure that the various components of the developed system are interfacing with
each other correctly
e. Ensure that the system meets its nonfunctional requirements as specified in the SRS
Answer :- b. Ensure that the developed system functions according to its functional requirements as specified in the SRS document. e. Ensure that the system meets its nonfunctional requirements as specified in the SRS document.
8. Which one of the following are typically not the important types of maintenance undertaken during
the maintenance phase of a typical software product?
a. Corrective maintenance
b. Perfective maintenance
c. Annual overall maintenance
d. Adaptive maintenance
e. Preventive maintenance
Answer :- c. Annual overall maintenance e. Preventive maintenance
9. Which one of the following simplifying assumptions of the classical waterfall model is removed by
the iterative waterfall model of software development?
a. No rework to any artifact developed during a life cycle phase is ever needed later
during development
b. No requirements change take place later in the life cycle
c. No technical risks occur later in the life cycle
d. No inaccuracy in the project estimations occur
e. Project team consists of competent programmers
Answer :- a. No rework to any artifact developed during a life cycle phase is ever needed later during development
10. Which one of the following sentences explains the possible reason for the following observation:
“As the development of a software gets underway using waterfall model of development, the later
the phase in which a defect gets detected, the more expensive is its removal.”
a. The artefacts developed during phases succeeding the phase in which a defect occurs need to be reworked
b. The artefacts developed during phases preceding the phase in which a defect occurs need to be reworked
c. More severe defects are detected in a later phases
d. During the later phases of the life cycle, several developers would be demotivated
and would not work effectively
e. The later is the phase, the more technical and complex is the work product
Answer :- b. The artefacts developed during phases preceding the phase in which a defect occurs need to be reworked
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NPTEL Software Engineering Week 1 Assignment Answers 2023
1. Which of the following is not a software service type of project?
a. A project for customization of an educational institute automation software
b. Development of a new feature for an existing office automation software
c. A project for maintenance of a generic accounting software package
d. A project for testing of a generic accounting software package
e. A project undertaken by a vendor to develop from scratch a novel plant automation software for a client
Answer :- e. A project undertaken by a vendor to develop from scratch a novel plant automation software for a client
2. Which one of the following characteristics of a complex system makes is necessary to develop it with both hardware and software parts, rather than realizing it using entirely hardware?
a. High system reliability
b. Low development cost of the system
c. Easy to change the system to meet changing customer requirements
d. Low operating cost
e. Low power consumption
f. Low weight of the system
Answer :- c. Easy to change the system to meet changing customer requirements
3. Which one of the following are not factors contributing to the present day software crisis?
a. Larger problems,
b. Poor project management
c. Lack of customer commitment
d. Lack of adequate training in software engineering
e. Low reliability of the hardware platforms
Answer :- c. Lack of customer commitment e. Low reliability of the hardware platforms
4. Which one of the following types of software development process most closely resembles the exploratory style of software development?
a. First specify the software, then design the test cases, then develop the software, and keep on modifying it until it passes all the test cases
b. First specify the system, then develop the software, and finally test the developed software
C. First develop the software, then test it, and then keep on modifying the software until it passes all the test cases
d. Keep on specifying a little, designing a little, and testing a little until the full software is developed
e. First write the test cases, then develop the software, then keep on modifying the software until it passes all the test cases.
Answer :- C. First develop the software, then test it, and then keep on modifying the software until it passes all the test cases
5. Which one of the following is FALSE about developing a large software by deploying the exploratory style of development?
a. Difficult to use exploratory style in team development environment
b. For large-sized project, use exploratory development style leads to cost and time oVelTUns
c. Development toy programs such as introductory programming assignments using exploratory style, leads to poor quality software and unreasonably large development time.
d. Development of large projects using the exploratory style, often leads to project failure
e. It is difficult to complete even simple projects using exploratory style of development
Answer :- c. Development toy programs such as introductory programming assignments using exploratory style, leads to poor quality software and unreasonably large development time. e. It is difficult to complete even simple projects using exploratory style of development
6. It is observed that while using the exploratory development style, the effort required to develop a software grows exponentially with the size of the software. Which one of the following is a possible reason behind it?
a. Cost of requirements gathering increases exponentially
b. Code size becomes exponentially large
c. The number of independent variables in the monolithic program increases, leading to exponential increase in the effort to understand the program.
d. As the size of any program increases, it becomes exponentially more difficult to correct compilation errors.
e. Design effort increases exponentially
Answer :- c. The number of independent variables in the monolithic program increases, leading to exponential increase in the effort to understand the program.
7. Which one of the following is justified by the magic number 7?
a. Number independent variables in a function should not exceed 7.
b. A function should not call more than 7 functions
c. A function should not be called by more than 7 functions
d. Number of decision statements in a function should not exceed 7.
e. Number of members of a team should not exceed 7
Answer :- a. Number independent variables in a function should not exceed 7. b. A function should not call more than 7 functions d. Number of decision statements in a function should not exceed 7.
8. Which one of the following terms is a synonym for the abstraction technique?
a. Model building
b. Decomposition
c. Modularization
d. Mapping
e. Elaborating
Answer :- a. Model building
9. Which one of the following statements concerning the principles of abstraction and decomposition is false?
a. A geographical map is an abstraction of a country
b. Organization of the contents of a book into chapters is an example of application of the decomposition technique
c. Constructing a model of a building is an application of the principle of abstraction
d. For a given system, only a single and unique model can be constructed
e. A unique decomposition is possible for any given problem
Answer :- d. For a given system, only a single and unique model can be constructed e. A unique decomposition is possible for any given problem
10. Which one of the following statements are FALSE?
a. A job is a repetition of a set of well-defined and well understood tasks with very little uncertainty.
b. A software development project consists of only a set of explorations
c. An exploration is a set of tasks whose outcome is uncertain C.
d. A software project consists of a mixture of jobs and explorations
e. A software development project consists of only a set of jobs
Answer :- b. A software development project consists of only a set of explorations e. A software development project consists of only a set of jobs
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