NPTEL Software Engineering Week 9 Assignment Answers 2024

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3. Which of the followings are do not serve as guidelines for identifying entity classes from a problem description?
a. Entity classes usually appear as data stores in a DFD model
b. Entity classes usually occur as group of objects that are aggregated
c. The number of classes is equal to the number of use cases in the use case model of the system
d. The aggregator of the objects of an entity class corresponds to a register in the physical world
e. All actors present in the use case diagram are to be considered as entity classes
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6. Which of the following statements describe a failure of a program during testing?
a. The programmer misunderstood a part of the design given to him
b. The programmer typed an arithmetic operator as ”, though he intended to type ‘+^
c. The program crashes when a tester enters a valid input
d. A code reviewer reports that he/she has found a defect in the code.
e. The program produces a garbled output to a certain user query
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7. About half the effort of development of a typical software is spent on testing. But, testing typically
requires only 10% of the development time. Which of the followings are explain this apparent anomaly?
a. A team has too many coders as compared to testers
b. Testing permits many parallel activities to be conducted at any time
c. A team has too many designers as compared to coders
d. Testers are more proficient as compared to other developers
e. Many test tools to automate some of the testing activities are available
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8. In a waterfall-based software development, which of the following are true concerning various verification activities carried out?
a. All verification activities are carried out by a separate testing team
b. All verification activities are carried out by the development team
c. Verification involves both static and dynamic activities
d. Verification involves only static activities
e. Verification involves only dynamic activities
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9. Which one of the following statements is true concerning unit testing?
a. Carried out by the development team
b. Involves testing the system as a whole
c. Often carried out by a separate testing team
d. Carried out by the customers
e. Concerns validation of system functions
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10. Which of the following are not implied by the pesticide paradox?
a. A software can be tested by repeated application of a testing methodology
b. A software should be tested by successive application of a wide range of testing methodologies
c. A software should be tested by deploying the most promising among all the testing methodologies
d. A testing methodology is effective for certain types of errors
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