NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Week 6 Assignment Answers 2024
1. If n is a positive integer, what is the output of the function given input n,

- Sum of numbers from 1 to n
- Sum of numbers from 1 to n-1
- n-1
- n
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2. Which of the following are true about recursion?
- Recursion is a process in which a function calls itself as a subroutine.
- Recursion is a better alternative for performing repetitive tasks compared to iteration.
- Recursion requires more resources compared to iteration.
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3. What is the output of following code ?

- 10
- 8
- 5
- Error
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4. The letter ‘e’ is the most frequently occurring letter in the English language. Suppose we apply a Substitution Cipher where ‘e’ is mapped to ‘a’, and all other letters are uniquely mapped to different letters. If we encrypt a very long English storybook using this cipher, will the frequency of ‘a’ be the highest in the encrypted text?
Hint: Search the internet for more info, if needed
- Yes, it would be same as ’e’ in the original text
- Yes, it would be higher than ’e’ in the original text.
- No, it would be lower than ’e’ in the original text.
- No, we cannot predict
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5. Could we check frequency of letters in a long ciphertext and map them to frequency of letters in English to decrypt the message?
Hint: Search the internet for more info, if needed.
- Yes, it is possible.
- No, it is not possible.
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6. What are drawbacks of using frequency analysis to decrypt a message that has been encrypted using Substitution Cipher?
- It will not work if the cipher text is too small.
- It works flawlessly.
- It will not work if the encrypted text was previously encrypted using a different cipher, which could have removed patterns in common English.
- The frequency analysis method doesn’t work at all for Substitution Cipher
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7. If variable dict name is a non-empty dictionary, what does dict name.keys() return?
- Returns nothing, but prints all the keys in the dictionary.
- Returns a list of all the keys in the dictionary.
- Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary.
- Returns a list of all the items in the dictionary
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8. Is Ceaser Cipher a type of Substitution Cipher?
- Yes
- No
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9. What is the consequence of not having a base case in a recursive function?
- The function will run infinitely.
- The function will run only once.
- The function will not run at all.
- The function will run only for a fixed number of times.
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10. What are the number of possible final lines when someone wins, in a game of TicTac-Toe?
- 3
- 8
- 9
- 4
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