NPTEL Theory of Computation Week 5 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Let L be a context-free language. Then according to the pumping lemma for context-free languages, there exists an integer p≥1 such that every string w∈L can be written as w=uvwxy satisfying the following conditions:
- ∣vx∣≥1
- ∣vwx∣≤pand
- ∀n≥0,uvnwxny∈L
- ∃n≥0,uvnwxny∈L
- ∀n≥0,uvnwxyn∈L
- ∃n≥0,uvnwnxny∈L
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2. Which of the following languages is not context-free?
- {}
- {anbnw∣m,n≥0,w∈{0,1}∗}
- {anbncmdm∣m,n≥0}
- {ww∣w∈{0,1}∗}
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3. Consider the following PDA.
What is the language accepted by this PDA?
- Set of all strings of the form anbn
- Set of all strings of the form bnan
- Set of all even-length palindromes over the alphabet {0,1}
- Set of all odd-length palindromes over the alphabet {0,1}
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4. Consider the following PDA.
Which of the following strings is not accepted by this PDA?
- 00000000
- 00000011
- 00001111
- 00111111
Answer :-
5. Which of the following is context-free?
- {0n∣n is prime }
- {wwR∣w∈{0,1}∗ and wR is the reverse of w}
- {ancmbndm∣m,n≥0}
- {anbncn∣n≥0}
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