NPTEL Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Week 3 Answers 2024
1. Which of the following water quality parameters may be quantified by measuring Absorbance using Spectrophotometer:
a. Turbidity
b. Colour
c. Conductivity
d. Dissolved Oxygen
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2. In a wastewater containing organics which are not fully biodegradable, BOD/COD ratio is:
a. < 1
b. = 1
c. >1
d. 0
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4. Two water samples, S1 and S2, having similar composition, are stored at 18°C and 30°C respectively. Which of the following statements are correct about levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the two samples?
a. DO of $1 and S2 will be same
b. S1 will have more DO than S2
c. S1 will have lesser DO than S2
d. Based on information, one can’t comment on relative levels of DO in the samples
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5. Which of the following leads to alkalinity in a water sample:
a. [HCO3-]
b. [CO32]
c. [OH-]
d. All of the above
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6. Inorganic salts present in water typically leads to____________ in water:
a. Volatile Suspended Solids
b. Volatile Dissolved Solids
c. Fixed Suspended Solids
d. Fixed Dissolved Solids
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7. Coliform count is an approach to estimate:
a. Radioactive pollutants
b. Chemical pollutants
c. Microbial pollutants
d. Settleable solids
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8. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) is used to measure____________ in water:
a. Metals
b. Nutrients
c. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
d. Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
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9. Identify the correct statements regarding nutrient pollution in wastewater:
Statement I: Nutrient pollution in wastewater refers to excess BOD or COD in the wastewater.
Statement II: One of the major effect of nutrient pollution is algal bloom in the receiving water body.
a. Statement I is correct, while statement II is incorrect
b. Statement Il is correct. while statement I is incorrect
c. Both, statements I and II are correct
d. Both. statements I and II are incorrect
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10. Which of the following contaminants in water are considered as emerging pollutants
a. Runoff sediments
b. Nutrients
c. Heavy Metals
d. Pesticides
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11. For conducting BOD. 6 mL of a wastewater sample was made up to 300 mL in a BOD bottle with aerated distilled water. The initial DO of the mix was measured as 8.5 mg/L and the sample was incubated for 5 days at 20 °C, after which DO on day 5 was measured as 2.1 mg/L. BODs of the sample is:
a. 80 mg/L
b. 160 mg/L
c. 320 mg/L
d. 640 mg/L
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12. Theoretical COD of a water containing 230 mg/L ethanol (C2H60) would be [Governing oxidation reaction: C2H60 + 302 = 3H20 + 2C02]
a. 96 mg/L
b. 480 mg/L
c. 560 mg/L
d. 690 mg/L
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13. The Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration in the wastewater is (in mg/L)
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14. The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentration in the wastewater is (in mg/L)
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15. The Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) concentration in the wastewater is (in mg/L):
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