NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 6 Assignment Answers 2024

By Sanket
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NPTEL Data Base Management System Week 6 Assignment Answers 2024

1. Identify the incorrect statements) from the following.

a) In primary index, index entries can be stored in unsorted order of the search key value.
b) In a secondary index file, all the search key values must be presented.
c) A clustered index is built by default on any sorted valued columns.
d) Sequential scan using a secondary index is expensive.

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3. Consider a system that uses B+ tree for indexing its records. Calculate the order of a non-leaf node, if the block size is 2 kilobytes, size of the search key field is 10 bytes, and the block pointer size is 18 bytes?

a) 44
b) 73
c) 113
d) 204

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4. A hash table contains 10 (indices 0 to 9) buckets and uses linear probing to resolve collisions. The key values are integers and the hash function used is (key % 10). Given the follow-ing input (543, 432, 741, 330, 471, 351, 170, 245), which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

a) 245 is stored in bucket 5.
b) 741, 471, 351 are stored in buckets 1, 4, and 5.
c) 432, 543 are stored in buckets 2 and 3.
d) 170 is stored in bucket 4.

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5. Suppose, there is a DBMS file with size 16 kilobytes. Calculate the size of the index table, if the size of one record is 64 bytes long which includes 10 bytes key field assuming the system uses primary indexing and the record pointer is 48 bit long?

a) 1 kilobyte
b) 2 kilobytes
c) 3 kilobytes
d) 4 kilobytes

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9. Consider a shop maintained a relation Order(Order No, ItemID, Quantity) for storing or- der information. We have created a bitmap index on Order table and the size of the index file is 512 bytes for 256 number of rows. How many different types of items are availble in the shop assuming ItemID as the index column?

a) 16
b) 8
c) 4
d) 2

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