NPTEL Fundamentals of Artificial intelligence Week 3 Assignment Answers 2024

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NPTEL Fundamentals of Artificial intelligence Week 3 Assignment Answers 2024

1. For more complex games, such as chess or checker the AND/OR search to termination is out of question. Which of the following statements are true? I. Our goal in searching such a game tree might be, instead, merely to find a good first move. II. Extract from the search graph an estimate of the ‘best’ first move.

A. Both I and II.
B. Only I
C. Only II
D. Both I and II are false.

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2. The AO* algorithm can best be seen as the following TWO major operations:

A. 1. Top-down: graph-growing; 2. Bottom-up: cost-revising, SOLVE-labelling.
B. 1. Bottom-up: graph-growing; 2. Top-down: cost-revising, SOLVE-labelling.
C. 1. Top-down: graph-growing, SOLVE-labelling; 2. Bottom-up: cost-revising.
D. 1. Bottom-up: graph-growing, SOLVE-labelling; 2. Top-down: cost-revising.

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3. For a game tree: Each node has b children and a d-ply look ahead is performed. What is the number of leaf nodes to be examined?

A. b^d
B. b x d
C. d^b
D. b+d

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4. For complex games such as chess or checkers, a good first move can be extracted by a procedure called the Minimax. The minimax value is the backed-up value of the root from all the leaves. Identify the correct statements w.r.t the minimax for such a game tree.

A. The minimax rule backs up values from the children of a node; given a static evaluation function for the tip nodes.
B. Represents the outcome when both the players play perfectly.
C. Backed-up values identify the best move for each player.
D. For a MAX node, it backs up the maximum of the values of the children.

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5. Alpha-beta pruning is a layering on top of minimax. Identify the correct statements w.r.t alpha-beta pruning.

A. Alpha-beta pruning is an optimization technique for minimax algorithm.
B. Alpha-beta pruning cuts off branches in the game tree which need not be searched because there already exists a better move available.
C. Alpha-beta pruning is guaranteed to compute the same value for the root node as computed by minimax.
D. For alpha-beta pruning one traverses the search tree in depth-first order.

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6. Start at C. Descent to full-ply depth. Back-up values as appropriate. The alpha value at node C after traversal of the leftmost branch is __.

A. 5
B. 3
C. 0
D. 2

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7. Applying alpha-beta pruning as appropriate, cut-off search below node B as shown is ___.

A. alpha pruning
B. beta pruning
C. incorrectly pruned
D. deep pruning

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8. Applying alpha-beta pruning as appropriate, cut-off search below node D as shown is ___.

A. alpha pruning
B. beta pruning
C. incorrectly pruned
D. deep pruning

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9. Start at C. Descend to full-ply depth. Back up the values as appropriate. The beta value at node E is ____________.

A. 5
B. 3
C. 0
D. 2

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10. Descending to C’s great grandchildren along the middle branch in a depth-first fashion, search below node D is pruned. This is because no matter what happens on its right branch the value of node D cannot be greater than ____________.

A. 5
B. 3
C. 0
D. 2

Answer :- For Answers Click Here
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