NPTEL Global Marketing Management Assignment Answer (week 1-2) 2023

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NPTEL Global Marketing Management Assignment Answer 2023

Global Marketing Management

NPTEL Global Marketing Management Assignment Answer Week 1 2023

1. The term global epitomizes both _______and __________.

  • The competitive pressure and shrinking market opportunities
  • The competitive cooperation and expanding market opportunities
  • The competitive pressure and expanding market opportunities
  • The competitive cooperation and shrinking market opportunities
Answer :- The competitive pressure and expanding market opportunities

2. Young people jogging in Nike shoes (an American product made in China), listening to Coldplay (British Rock Band) on Apple Computer’s iPod (an American product) in Hong Kong, Philadelphia, Sydney and Tokyo exemplify __________.

  • Convergence
  • Divergence
  • Both Convergence and Divergence
  • Neither Convergence nor Divergence
Answer :- Convergence

3. According to the Theory of Absolute Advantage, which of the following is NOT an acquired advantage?

  • Product technology
  • Labour force
  • Process technology
  • Both Labour force and Process technology
Answer :- Labour force

4. Which of the following theories suggest that a country should excel in the production and export of products that use their abundant and hence cheaper factors of production than factors in relative scarcity?

  • Theory of Absolute Advantage
  • Theory of Comparative Advantage
  • Factor Endowment Theory
  • Porter’s Diamond Model
Answer :- Factor Endowment Theory

5. Which of the following are key economic variables considered for determining a country’s economic freedom?

  • Trade policy
  • Taxation policy
  • Government consumption of economic output
  • All of these
Answer :- All of these

6. ______________refers to the productiveness of a country, which is represented by its firms’ domestic and international productive capacity.

Country competitiveness
Economic competitiveness
Economic freedom
None of these

Answer :- Country competitiveness

7. Conditions for Patentability include(s):

All of these

Answer :- All of these

8. Which of the following is a closely guarded secret related to the production process-

  • Trade secret
  • Patent
  • Copyright
  • Trademark
Answer :- Trade secret

9. When two or more countries agree to abolish tariffs and other barriers to trade amongst themselves, it is known as ___________________.

  • Customs union
  • Free trade area
  • Common market
  • Economic and political union
Answer :- Free trade area

10. Which of the following is NOT an example of a multinational corporation?

  • Nike
  • Coca-cola
  • Swiggy
  • Wal-mart
Answer :- Swiggy

NPTEL Global Marketing Management Assignment Answer Week 2 2023

1. In 1969, the IMF created ______, which are special account entries on the IMF books designed to provide additional liquidity to support growing world trade.

  • Special drawing rights
  • Special legal rights
  • Special finance rights
  • Special management rights
Answer :- Special drawing rights

2.Which of the following currency is NOT considered while determining the value of special drawing rights?

  • European Union’s Euro
  • British Pound
  • Russian Ruble
  • Japanese Yen
Answer :- Russian Ruble

3. Unilateral transfers are done by ____.

  • Government
  • Private individuals
  • Private institutions
  • All of these
Answer :- All of these

4. Direct investment is recorded in which part of the balance of payment?

Current account
Capital account
Official reserves
Both the current account and capital account

Answer :- Capital account

5. According to the text, culture is ___________.

  • Learned, interrelated and shared
  • Learned, interrelated and mixed
  • Learned, interrelated and empty
  • Learned, interrelated and passive
Answer :- Learned, interrelated and shared

6. A culture can be defined by national borders (especially when natural barriers isolate the country). An example would be _______________.

  • The United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Taiwan
Answer :- Taiwan

7. Wal Mart selling its 85 German stores to its German rival Metro in July 2006 after many years of sustained losses is an example of the failure of which of the following:

  • Product policy
  • Price policy
  • Distribution policy
  • All of these
Answer :- Distribution policy

8. In ____________, advertising uses more copy, factual data, and reasoning. 

  • Collectivist cultures
  •  Individualist cultures 
  • Low-context cultures 
  • High-context cultures 
Answer :- Low-context cultures 

9. Following are the forms of government on the basis of ideology, EXCEPT__________.


Answer :- Nationalism

10. MITI stands for ________________.

  • Ministry of International Travel & Industry
  • Ministry of International Trade & Industry
  • Ministry of International Tourism & Industry
  • Ministry of International Testing & Industry
Answer :- Ministry of International Trade & Industry
Course NameGlobal Marketing Management
CategoryNPTEL Assignment Answer
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