NPTEL Introduction To Machine Learning – IITKGP Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023

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NPTEL Introduction To Machine Learning – IITKGP Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023

NPTEL Introduction To Machine Learning - IITKGP Assignment Answer 2023

NPTEL Introduction To Machine Learning – IITKGP Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023

Questions 1-4 with the data provided below:
A spam filtering system has a probability of 0.95 to classify correctly a mail as spam and 0.10
probability of giving false positives. It is estimated that 0.5% of the mails are actual spam
Q1) Suppose that the system is now given a new mail to be classified as spam/ not-spam, what is the probability that the mail will be classified as spam?
a. 0.89575
b. 0.10425
c. 0.00475
d. 0.09950

Answer:- b

Q2. Find the probability that, given a mail classified as spam by the system, the mail actually being spam.
a. 0.04556
b. 0.95444
c. 0.00475
d. 0.99525

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

Q3. Given that a mail is classified as not spam, the probability of the mail actually being not spam
a. 0.10425
b. 0.89575
c. 0.003
d. 0.997


Q4. Find the probability that the mail is misclassified:
a. 0.90025
b. 0.09975
c. 0.8955
d. 0.1045

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

Q5. What is the naive assumption in a Naive Bayes Classifier?
a. All the classes are independent of each other
b. All the features of a class are independent of each other
c. The most probable feature for a class is the most important feature to be considered for classification
d. All the features of a class are conditionally dependent on each other.

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Answer:- For Answer Click Here

Q7. Find P (K=0| a=1, b=1).
a. 1/3
b. 2/3
C. 1/9
d. 8/9

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Q8. What is the joint probability distribution in terms of conditional probabilities?
a. P(D1) * P(D2\D1) * P(S1|D1) * P(S2]D1) * P(S3|D2)
b. P(D1) * P(D2) * P(S1\D1) * P(S2]D1) * P(S3|D1, D2)
c. P(D1) * P(D2) * P(S1 D2) * P(S2]D2) * P(S3|D2)
d. P(D1) * P(D2) * P(S1|D1) * P(S2|D1, D2) * P(S3|D2)

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

Q9. Suppose P(D1) = 0.4, P(D2) = 0.7 , P(SID1)=0.3 and P(S1| D1′)= 0.6. Find P(S1)
a. 0.12
b. 0.48
c. 0.36
d. 0.60


Q10. What is the Markov blanket of variable, S3
a. D1
b. D2
c. D1 and D2
d. None

Answer:- For Answer Click Here


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Questions 13-14 with the data given below:
In an oral exam you have to solve exactly one problem, which might be one of three types, A. B, or C, which will come up with probabilities 30%, 20%, and 50%, respectively. During your preparation you have solved 9 of 10 problems of type A. 2 of 10 problems of type B, and 6 of 10 problems of type C.

13) What is the probability that you will solve the problem of the exam?
а. 0.61
b. 0.39
c. 0.50
d. 0.20

Answer:- For Answer Click Here

Q14. Given you have solved the problem, what is the probability that it was of type A?
а. 0.35
b. 0.50
c. 0.56
d. 0.44


Q15. Naive Bayes is a popular classification algorithm in machine learning. Which of the
following statements is/are true about Naive Bayes?
a. Naive Bayes assumes that all features are independent of each other, given the class.
b. It is particularly well-suited for text classification tasks, like spam detection.
c. Naive Bayes can handle missing values in the dataset without any special treatment.
d. It is a complex algorithm that requires a large amount of training data.

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