NPTEL Reinforcement Learning Week 9 Assignment Answers 2024
1. Which of the following is true about DQN?
- It can be efficiently used for very large state spaces
- It can be efficiently used for continuous action spaces
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2. How many outputs will we get from the final layer of a DQN Network (|S| and |A| represent the total number of states and actions in the environment respectively)?
- |S| × |A|
- |S|
- |A|
- None of these
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3. What are the reasons behind using an experience replay buffer in DQN?
- Random sampling from experience replay buffer breaks correlations among transitions.
- It leads to efficient usage of real-world samples.
- It guarantees convergence to the optimal policy.
- None of the above
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4. Statement: DQN is implemented with current and target network.
Reason: Using target network helps in avoiding chasing a non-stationary target.
- Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is correct explanation for Assertion.
- Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
- Assertion is true, Reason is false
- Both Assertion and Reason are false
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5. Assertion: Actor-critic updates have lesser variance than REINFORCE updates.
Reason: Actor-critic methods use TD target instead of Gt.
- Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is correct explanation for Assertion.
- Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
- Assertion is true, Reason is false
- Both Assertion and Reason are false
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6. Suppose we are using a policy gradient method to solve a reinforcement learning problem. Assuming that the policy returned by the method is not optimal, which among the following are plausible reasons for such an outcome?
- The search procedure converged to a locally optimal policy.
- The search procedure was terminated before it could reach an optimal policy.
- An optimal policy could not be represented by the parameterisation used to represent the policy.
- None of these
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8. State True or False:
Monte Carlo policy gradient methods typically converge faster than the actor-critic methods, given that we use similar parameterisations and that the approximation to the Qπ used in the actor-critic method satisfies the compatibility criteria.
- True
- False
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9. When using policy gradient methods, if we make use of the average reward formulation rather than the discounted reward formulation, then is it necessary to assign a designated start state, s0?
- Yes
- No
- Can’t say
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10. State True or False:
Exploration techniques like softmax (or other equivalent techniques) are not needed for DQN as the randomisation provided by experience replay provides sufficient exploration.
- True
- False
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