NPTEL Theory of Computation Week 8 Assignment Answers 2024

By Sanket

NPTEL Theory of Computation Week 8 Assignment Answers 2024

1. The class NP is defined as the class of problems that

  • Can be solved in polynomial time by a nondeterministic Turing Machine
  • Cannot be solved in polynomial time by a deterministic Turing Machine
  • Can be solved in polynomial time by a deterministic Turing Machine
  • Cannot be solved in polynomial time by a nondeterministic Turing Machine
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2. The class coNP is defined as

  • {L∣L¯¯∈NP}
  • {L∣L∉NP}
  • {L¯¯∣L⊆L′∈NP}
  • {L¯¯∣L∉NP}
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3. L∈NP if there exists constants c>0 and k≥0, and a polynomial time Turing Machine V, such that

  • ∃x∈Σ,x∈L⟺∀y∈Σ such that |y|≤c⋅|x|k and V(x,y)=1
  • ∀x∈Σ,x∈L⟺∃y∈Σsuch that |y|≤c⋅|x|k and V(x,y)=1
  • ∀x∈Σ,x∈L⟺∀y∈Σ such that |y|≤c⋅|x|k and V(x,y)=1
  • ∃x∈Σ,x∈L⟺∃y∈Σ such that |y|≤c⋅|x|k and V(x,y)=1
Answer :- 

4. L∈coNP if there exists constants c>0 and k≥0, and a polynomial time Turing Machine V, such that

  • ∃x∈Σ,x∈L⟺∀y∈Σsuch that |y|≤c⋅|x|k and V(x,y)=1
  • ∀x∈Σ,x∈L⟺∃y∈Σ such that |y|≤c⋅|x|k and V(x,y)=1
  • ∀x∈Σ,x∈L⟺∀y∈Σ such that |y|≤c⋅|x|k and V(x,y)=1
  • ∃x∈Σ,x∈L⟺∃y∈Σ such that |y|≤c⋅|x|k and V(x,y)=1
Answer :- 

5. Which of the following problems is not known to be in the complexity class P?

  • Deciding whether a natural number is even
  • Deciding whether a boolean formula is satisfiable
  • Deciding whether a graph is connected
  • Deciding whether a binary string has even number of 1’s
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6. Which of the following problems is known to be in the complexity class coNP?

  • Deciding whether a natural number is prime
  • Deciding whether a boolean formula is satisfiable
  • Deciding whether a graph has a Hamiltonian path
  • Deciding whether two graphs are isomorphic
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7. Let L be a language in the complexity class P. Which of the following is not known?

  • L∈NP
  • L∈coNP
  • L∈NP∩coNP
  • L∈NP-complete
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8. If L∈NTIME(f(n)), then

  • L∈DTIME(f(n))
  • L∈DTIME(logf(n))
  • L∈DTIME(f(n)2)
  • L∈DTIME(2O(f(n)))
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9. The class NP is not known to be closed under which of the following operations?

  • Union
  • Intersection
  • Concatenation
  • Complementation
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10. If coNP ⊆ NP then which of the following is true?

  • NP=coNP
  • P=NP
  • P≠NP
  • NP≠coNP
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11. The class NP-hard is defined as the set of

  • Problems which are reducible in polynomial time to some NP complete problem
  • Problems which are reducible in polynomial space to some NP complete problem
  • Problems to which all problems in NP are reducible in polynomial time
  • Problems to which all problems in NP are reducible in polynomial space
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12. If a decision problem A is polynomial time reducible to another decision problem B, then which of the following statements is necessarily true?

  • If A is NP-hard then B is also NP-hard
  • If B is NP-hard then A is also NP-hard
  • If A is in NP then B is also in NP
  • If A is NP-complete then B is also NP-complete
Answer :- For Answers Click Here 
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