[Week 1] NPTEL Computer Graphics Assignment Answers 2024

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NPTEL Computer Graphics Assignment Solutions

Computer Graphics

[Week 1] NPTEL Computer Graphics Assignment Answers 2024

Q1. The CAD system DAC-1(by IBM) falls under phase of computer graphics.
a. Gestational
b. Childhood
c. Adulthood


Q2. Sylvan Chasen (Lockheed, 1981) proposed ___ phases of evolution in computer graphics:
a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Eight


Q3. What does the video memory do?
a. It stores the image in the form of string of 0 and 1, which is generated by display controller.
b. It stores the image in the form of string of 0 and 1, which is generated by video controller.
c. It stores the videos, which is generated by display controller.
d. All of the above.


Q4. Which among the following is correct?
a. We can use a raster scan method to render a vector graphics but cannot use a vector scan method to render a raster graphics.
b. We can use a vector scan method to render a raster graphics but cannot use a raster scan method to render a vector graphics
c. We can use a raster scan method to render a vector graphics and vice versa.
d. We can use only raster scan method to render a raster graphics and only vector screen method to render vector graphics.


Q5. Computer graphics are used in mobile phones, information kiosks at popular spots such as airports, ATMS, large displays at open air music concerts, air traffic control panels, and so on.
a. True
b. False


Q6. The term “Computer Graphics” was coined in
a. 1860
b. 1869
c. 1960
d. 1965


Q7. The process of removing objects that lie outside view volume is called __.
a. Clipping
b. Projection Transformation
c. Hidden Surface Removal
d. Hidden Surface Detection


Q8. How many stages are there in 3D graphics pipeline?
a. 1
b. 4
c. 0
d. 5


Q9. First stage of the 3D graphics pipeline is “object representation”.
a. True
b. False


Q10. Computer graphics is the process of _ static images or animation (sequence of images) on computer screens in an efficient way.
a. Rendering
b. Removing
c. Clearing


NPTEL Computer Graphics Week 3 Assignment Answers 2023

1. What is the basic idea behind voxels in space partitioning methods?

A) Representing objects using a collection of 2D pixels
B) Representing objects using a collection of 3D cubes with uniform size

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2. What does BSP stand for in space partitioning methods?

A) Binary Subdivision Procedure
B) Boundary Space Partitioning
C) Binary Space Partitioning
D) Base Structure Placement

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3. What does CSG stand for, and how does it represent objects in space?

A) Constructive Shape Graphics – It uses polygonal representation for objects.
B) Constructive Solid Geometry – It relies on joining spaces using Boolean operators to represent objects.
C) Composite Scene Generation – It represents objects using point clouds.
D) Comprehensive Space Grids – It divides objects using octrees for representation.

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4. Which of the following operations is NOT a basic transformation in modeling transformations?

A) Translation (T)
B) Rotation (R)
C) Scaling (S)
D) Shearing (Sh)

Answer :- 

5. What is the mathematical representation of scaling for a point (x, y)?

A) (x+sx, y+sy)
B) (x∗sx, y∗sy)
C) (sx∗x, sy∗y)
D) (x/sx, y/sy)

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6. Modeling transformations transform objects from local/object coordinates to world coordinate system

A) True
B) False

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7. What is the general approach to apply multiple basic transformations with respect to an arbitrary fixed point?

A) Scale, Translate, Scale back
B) Translate to origin, Perform transformation, Translate back to original position
C) Rotate, Scale, Shear
D) Translate, Rotate, Scale

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8. In which sequence should multiple geometric transformations be applied to get the correct result?

A) Right-to-left
B) Left-to-right

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9. What is the purpose of the composite matrix in 3D transformations?

A) To perform multiple shearing transformations on an object
B) To combine translation, rotation, and scaling transformations into a single matrix
C) To convert 3D points to 2D points

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10. In space partitioning, large memory is required to store voxel-grid information

A) True
B) False

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NPTEL Computer Graphics Week 4 Assignment Answers 2023

1. What is the process of computing the luminous intensity at a point known as?

A) Illumination
B) Lighting
C) Direct coloring
D) Indirect coloring

Answer :- 

2. In graphics there are typically three types of light sources: Point light source, Directional source and ______ source.

A) Spotlight
B) Ambient
C) Simple
D) Albedo

Answer :- 

4. Reflection from a point can occur either of two ways: Diffuse reflection and _ ___.

A) Direct reflection
B) Specular reflection
C) Indirect reflection
D) Ambient reflection

Answer :- 

4. _______ models work at the pixel-level, after the scene is mapped to the screen.

A) Lighting
B) Shading

Answer :- 

5. In the simple lighting model, we assume presence of a single ambient light source fully illuminating all the surfaces.

A) True
B). False

Answer :- 

6. Color of a surface point depends on the properties of the light source as well as the surface containing the point.

A) True
B). False

Answer :- 

7. In lighting model, to avoid indistinguishable overlapping of surfaces with different distances we use

A) Intensity Attenuation
B) Color Attenuation
C) Intensity Reflection
D) Color Reflection

Answer :- 

8. Incident light tends to reflect in all directions from a rough or grainy surface. This is called

A) Specular reflection
B) Diffuse reflection

Answer :- 

9. Gouraud shading limitations can be overcome with a more accurate shading model, known as the ______.

A) Phong shading
B) Flat shading
C) Iterative shading

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10. ______ attenuation factor accounts for the effect of diminishing light intensity over distance.

A) Angular
B) Radial

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