[Week 4] NPTEL Developing Soft Skills And Personality Assignment Answer 2023

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NPTEL Developing Soft Skills And Personality Week 4 Assignment Answer 2023

1. Kishan is a team leader in a busy workplace. He is responsible for overseeing a team of employees and ensuring smooth operations. One day, one of his team members, Deepika, comes to him with a concern about a project. How can Kishan’s effective listening skills positively impact the situation?

  1. Kishan interrupts Deepika and offers immediate solutions to her concern.
  2. Kishan offers unsolicited advice to Deepika without fully understanding her concerns.
  3. Kishan pretends to listen to Deepika while multitasking.
  4. Kishan demonstrates empathy and understanding by actively listening to Deepika’s concerns.
  5. Kishan stops himself from reacting to every single thing Deepika says and focuses on comprehending her situation.
  6. Kishan ignores Deepika’s concerns and redirects the conversation to a different topic.
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2. Riya, a fashion designer, has recently launched her own clothing brand. She wants to establish a strong online presence to attract customers and increase brand visibility. How can Riya effectively utilize social media platforms to promote her brand?

  1. Riya creates visually appealing content showcasing her latest designs and shares them on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.
  2. Riya collaborates with fashion influencers and bloggers to feature her designs and reach a wider audience.
  3. Riya ignores the importance of visual aesthetics and posts low-quality images and videos.
  4. Riya copies content from other fashion brands and presents it as her own.
  5. Riya buys fake followers and engagement to artificially boost her brand’s social media presence.
  6. Riya focuses solely on promoting her brand and products without engaging with her audience or addressing their queries.
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3. Which of the following should be AVOIDED while talking to someone over a call to maintain a professional and respectful conversation?

  1. Eating noisily during a phone call
  2. Remaining calm and composed during a phone call, even if the conversation becomes difficult or frustrating
  3. Using unintelligible words during the phone call
  4. Being cheerful and attentive while on a call
  5. Multitasking while having a telephone conversation
  6. Cracking frequent unlaughable jokes and laughing out loud
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4. As a professional who frequently engages in phone conversations, you are faced with the task of delivering bad news to a client. What are some tips to effectively deliver bad news while still maintaining the other person’s respect?

  1. Show empathy and understanding toward the other person’s feelings.
  2. Use a direct and harsh tone to ensure the seriousness of the situation.
  3. Blame others or external factors for the situation to avoid personal responsibility.
  4. Choose an appropriate time and setting for delivering the news.
  5. If possible, offer alternative solutions or options to mitigate the impact of the bad news.
  6. Prepare in advance by planning the key points you want to convey.
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5. Siddharth works as a customer care executive and encounters a conflict where he has to put a customer on hold. How can Siddharth effectively handle this situation and maintain a positive interaction with the customer?

  1. Siddharth politely requests the customer to hold and assures them that he will be as quick as possible.
  2. Siddharth uses a robotic and monotonous tone when speaking to the customer, showing a lack of enthusiasm.
  3. Siddharth sarcastically thanks the customer for waiting, implying that it was inconvenient.
  4. Siddharth expresses gratitude to the customer for their patience and understanding.
  5. Siddharth keeps the customer on hold for an extended period without any explanation or apology.
  6. Siddharth interrupts the customer’s hold time with unnecessary information.
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6. Anagha, a team leader in a software company, is responsible for conducting a performance review meeting with her team member, Faizal. Faizal’s performance has been consistently below expectations. How can Anagha effectively handle this situation and provide constructive feedback?

  1. Anagha starts the meeting by highlighting Faizal’s negative performance without considering his strengths.
  2. Anagha ends the meeting abruptly without allowing Faizal to ask questions or seek clarification.
  3. Anagha listens attentively to Faizal’s perspective and asks open-ended questions to understand his challenges.
  4. Anagha compares Faizal’s performance to other high-performing team members publicly.
  5. Anagha sets clear performance goals and expectations for Faizal, ensuring they are realistic and achievable.
  6. Anagha avoids discussing Faizal’s performance issues and focuses only on praising his few accomplishments.
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7. Identify those people who INAPPROPRIATELY use telephone communication.

  1. Diana has severe chest pain and is unable to breathe properly. She quickly contacts a healthcare service and requests an ambulance to take her to the hospital.
  2. Leela has not spoken to your best friend in months and wants to catch up with her. She dials her number, has a long conversation about their lives, and plans to meet in person.
  3. Sreehari is running late for an important meeting and needs to get to his office quickly. He books a ride-sharing service and provides his pick-up location and destination.
  4. Mohit is attending a business meeting, and his phone starts ringing. Since he forgot to put it on silent, he answers the call and takes the liberty to discuss personal matters.
  5. Aleena wants to book a table for dinner at a fancy restaurant. She calls them up, provides her details, and asks for a table for two at 7 PM on Saturday.
  6. Miya is in a library, and her phone starts ringing. She takes the call.
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8. Nikita has recently started a new job where handling phone calls is a crucial part of her role. What are some key strategies Nikita can adopt to effectively handle phone calls?

  1. Organize her desk and create a designated space for attending phone calls.
  2. Familiarize herself with the telephone equipment and its functionalities.
  3. Make simultaneous calls to multiple individuals to save time.
  4. End phone calls abruptly without providing a proper conclusion or summary.
  5. Use a format to note down important information during phone conversations.
  6. Follow professional etiquette and norms while making and receiving phone calls.
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9. A group of students are attending a seminar on World Politics. Identify the psychological barriers to listening in the following scenarios.

  1. Varun is emotionally overwhelmed, making focusing on the speaker’s message difficult.
  2. Dinesh has a growth mindset and actively engages with the speaker’s ideas, fostering open-mindedness.
  3. Rocky is experiencing discomfort due to an upset stomach, making it challenging for him to concentrate on the speaker.
  4. Janaki holds a strong antipathy toward the speaker, leading to biased perception and reduced attention.
  5. Celine is actively analyzing the speaker’s arguments, seeking to form a critical opinion.
  6. Sneha’s mindset is fixed, and she is resistant to new ideas, hindering her ability to listen with an open mind.
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10. Thejaswini is a chef who wants to enhance her culinary expertise and teamwork in the kitchen. Identify the measures she should adopt to develop good listening skills and establish her culinary career.

  1. Actively listening to her team members’ suggestions and feedback during recipe development.
  2. Assuming that good listening skills are irrelevant for a chef and do not impact the quality of the food.
  3. Ignoring feedback or constructive criticism from customers or colleagues.
  4. Prioritizing her own ideas and disregarding others’ suggestions during menu planning.
  5. Encouraging open communication and collaboration with her team to ensure smooth kitchen operations.
  6. Paying attention to specific customer preferences and dietary restrictions when taking food orders.
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11. Three employees, Anandhu, Malu, and Naksh are traveling together in a bus to attend a company conference. They are seated together and have the opportunity to talk. In this scenario, why is it essential for Anandhu, Malu, and Naksh to have good communication skills?

  1. To gossip about their colleagues and spread rumors.
  2. To engage in heated arguments and conflicts, promoting an unhealthy competitive environment.
  3. To share ideas and insights about the conference topics and enhance their collective learning experience.
  4. To ignore each other and focus on individual tasks or entertainment.
  5. To dominate the conversation and impose their opinions on others.
  6. To stay silent throughout the journey and avoid any awkward interaction.
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12. Krishnapriya is a talented dancer who is preparing for a performance with her dance troop. They are rehearsing a complex routine that requires precise coordination and synchronization. During the rehearsal, Krishnapriya realizes the significance of effective communication in ensuring a flawless performance. Which of the following actions demonstrates the importance of good communication skills in this situation?

  1. Talking loudly and dominating the conversation during rehearsals.
  2. Ignoring the feedback and suggestions from other dancers.
  3. Being overly critical of her own performance and doubting her abilities.
  4. Being attentive and responsive when the choreographer provides guidance.
  5. Criticizing the mistakes of other dancers without offering constructive feedback.
  6. Performing individual moves without considering the overall synchronization.
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13. Vijaya wants to improve her communication skills and avoid being the person others want to avoid in conversations. Which among the following options should she consider to achieve this?

  1. Becoming more arrogant and selfish to assert dominance over others.
  2. Reflecting on her communication habits and identifying if she tends to engage in long, non-mindful conversations.
  3. Believing that talking excessively is the key to good communication.
  4. Avoiding any self-reflection or consideration of how her communication style may be impacting others.
  5. Taking revenge on people who are avoiding her.
  6. Assuming that others are always available to talk to her without considering their schedules or preferences.
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14. Dennis is an enthusiastic hiker who enjoys exploring new trails. He joins a hiking club and participates in a group hike led by experienced hikers. During the hike, the leader shares valuable information about the terrain, safety precautions, and landmarks. However, Dennis is easily distracted and fails to actively listen to the leader’s instructions. Which of the following actions demonstrates the importance of active listening in this situation?

  1. Daydreaming about potential encounters with wildlife while hiking.
  2. Taking frequent breaks to capture scenic photographs without paying attention to the trail.
  3. Making assumptions about the trail route based on previous hiking experiences.
  4. Asking clarificatory questions to the leader to ensure understanding.
  5. Ignoring the leader’s suggestions and venturing off the trail alone.
  6. Following the group without paying attention to instructions.
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15. What is dissonance?

  • A mental picture achieved by excessive exposure to rom-coms.
  • The sensation of hearing angelic voices.
  • A musical term referring to the combination of different instruments.
  • A telephone etiquette.
  • A state of disharmony.
  • A technique used in visual arts to create depth and perspective.
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16. Prerna, a talented writer, is deeply engrossed in the process of writing her novel. However, she often gets interrupted by phone calls, which disrupt her creative flow. How can Prerna minimize phone call disturbances and maintain her writing focus?

  1. Leave the phone at full volume to ensure she does not miss any important calls.
  2. Install a phone call simulator app to create the illusion of receiving calls.
  3. Partake in lengthy conversations on the phone during writing sessions.
  4. Continuously check social media and respond to messages.
  5. Engage in multitasking by talking on the phone and working on creative projects.
  6. Prioritize uninterrupted creative time by scheduling specific hours for phone usage.
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17. While attending a professional phone call, one SHOULD NOT be:

  1. confident
  2. happy
  3. satisfied
  4. moody
  5. lively
  6. proactive
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18. Karamchand is an aspiring actor preparing for his first audition for a leading role in a theater production. Why is it significant for Karamchand to have good communication skills as an actor?

  1. To misinterpret the director’s instructions.
  2. To effectively convey emotions and portray characters convincingly on stage.
  3. To constantly interrupt fellow actors during rehearsals.
  4. To mumble lines and speak inaudibly, creating confusion among the audience.
  5. To avoid making eye contact with other actors and appear disconnected from the scene.
  6. To prioritize personal agenda and neglect the overall flow of the performance.
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19. Who among the following is a good communicator?

  1. Brinda often speaks in a condescending tone, belittling others’ ideas and opinions. She fails to create an inclusive and collaborative atmosphere during discussions.
  2. Suparna tends to use ambiguous language and unclear explanations, causing confusion among her friends.
  3. Lipi actively engages in discussions, seeking clarification when needed and expressing her ideas concisely.
  4. Thara relies heavily on jargon and technical language, making it difficult for her audience to understand her message.
  5. Manoj frequently interrupts others while they are speaking, showing little regard for their perspectives.
  6. Lizzie tends to avoid direct communication when faced with conflicts or disagreements. Instead, she chooses to remain silent.
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20. Sooraj, an experienced and meticulous lawyer, represents his client in a high- stakes court trial. Throughout the proceedings, Sooraj demonstrates exceptional listening skills, actively engaging with all aspects of the case. How does Sooraj’s listening skills contribute to his proficiency as a lawyer?

  1. Sooraj’s exceptional listening allows him to eavesdrop on private conversations, obtaining confidential information to gain an advantage in the case.
  2. Sooraj’s keen listening helps him avoid engaging in meaningful conversations with his clients, allowing him to save time and focus on other cases.
  3. Sooraj’s listening skills allow him to comprehend the nuances of the opposing party’s arguments, enabling him to formulate well-informed counter-arguments.
  4. Sooraj’s exceptional listening capabilities enable him to manipulate witnesses and exploit their statements to his advantage.
  5. Sooraj’s listening skills make him an expert at bribing the judge.
  6. Sooraj’s selective listening allows him to ignore contradictory evidence, helping him to present a one-sided and biased argument.
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21. Madhu is a dermatologist who shouts at patients who cannot effectively communicate their issues. This approach makes her an effective communicator herself as she is able to diagnose their disease as well as judge their communication skills.

  1. True
  2. False
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22. Fida believes that hearing is a physical activity and that listening is a mental activity. Fida is right.

  • True
  • False
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23. Empathizing with the caller will ease the situation and enhance the overall mood during a telephone conversation.

  1. True
  2. False
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24. Parvathy and Vidhu were good friends who lost touch over the years. Vidhu believes that Parvathy would not be interested in contacting her as she has acquired a higher social status. Vidhu’s preconceived notion acts as a psychological barrier to good communication.

  1. True
  2. False
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25. If somebody is making an important call where she is going to give you some information and you are not prepared, do not ask them to call again.

  1. True
  2. False
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NPTEL Developing Soft Skills And Personality Week 3 Assignment Answer 2023

1. Nandita is an athlete who has the habit of consuming alcohol whenever she feels stressed. At the start of every month, she decides to quit but fails. She keeps postponing the decision, even though she feels miserable about it. What are some steps she can adopt to break this habit cycle?

  1. Nandita can downplay or ignore the negative impact of alcohol consumption on her physical and mental well-being.
  2. Nandita can surround herself with friends, family, or support groups who understand her struggle and provide encouragement that can help her stay accountable and motivated.
  3. Nandita can fall into the trap of seeking instant solutions or relying on unproven methods to break the habit.
  4. Nandita can continue to convince herself that quitting alcohol can be delayed, further perpetuating the habit cycle.
  5. Nandita can set achievable goals with a shorter and more realistic time frame to track her progress, celebrating even small victories along the way.
  6. Nandita can consult a therapist or addiction counselor who can provide guidance, support, and strategies to overcome the habit.
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2. Which among the following options are essential lessons from the story of “The Patient”?

  1. Good and bad habits are formed by peer group influence and the environment.
  2. Friends can only induce bad habits in a person.
  3. Doctors can be the real culprits in developing bad habits in patients.
  4. Money and status can determine whether a habit is good or bad.
  5. Individual perception and belief are pertinent in retaining a good habit and changing a bad habit.
  6. Repercussions of bad habits will decrease if shared with a friend.
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3. Antony is a social media influencer who portrays himself as a peace lover and makes videos about non-violence. In reality, he is abusive. Kartik, a fan of Antony, gets the opportunity to meet him at a restaurant but is surprised by how rudely Antony treats the staff. Kartik grasps the idea that having a different private personality is acceptable as long as Antony does not perpetuate these traits and habits publicly. Kartik eventually may develop this habit himself, and this shows the potential of social media in creating a facade. What are the messages that one can imbibe from this situation?

Failing to recognize the importance of aligning one’s actions and values in both private and public life promotes personal growth, integrity, and the development of positive habits.
Critically evaluating the personas presented on social media can help individuals make informed choices and avoid being influenced by deceptive facades.
Believing that it is acceptable to have different private and public personalities can lead to a lack of authenticity and unethical behavior.
Dismissing the influence of public figures and role models in shaping behavior undermines their impact on others and the potential for negative habits to be normalized.
Accepting the ability to have a different private personality as long as one maintains a positive public image regards the importance of integrity and the need to keep public and private lives separate.
Taking responsibility for one’s actions and continuously reflecting on personal behavior can lead to self-improvement and the formation of positive habits.

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4. Which among the following statements are true about habits?

  1. They are behavioral responses to stimuli.
  2. They are hereditary.
  3. They are always easy to break or change.
  4. They can be formed through repetition.
  5. They are only related to physical actions, not thoughts or emotions.
  6. They are always conscious and deliberate actions.
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5. Identify the statements that are TRUE with respect to habits.

  1. Habits can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on their nature and impact on one’s life.
  2. Habits have no impact on an individual’s overall well-being, productivity, or success in life.
  3. Habits can be consciously developed and modified through self-awareness and intentional effort.
  4. Habits have the potential to be changed or replaced with new ones through focused intention and perseverance.
  5. Genetic factors solely determine habits and cannot be influenced by personal choices or external circumstances.
  6. All habits are inherently bad and must be completely eradicated for personal growth and improvement.
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6. Anu is an employee in a highly competitive industry where job security is a concern. She wants to secure her position and make herself indispensable to her organization. Which of the following actions would be effective in achieving her goal?

  1. Constantly updating her skills and knowledge to stay relevant in her field.
  2. Engaging in office politics and forming alliances to fight against deserving colleagues and secure her position.
  3. Proactively seeking feedback and implementing constructive criticism to enhance her performance.
  4. Resisting any changes or improvements suggested by her superiors to maintain the status quo.
  5. Seeking job security through unethical practices or compromising her values.
  6. Taking on additional responsibilities and projects even at the expense of her mental and physical well-being.
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7. Mahendra has a significantly large number of emails in his inbox, causing him to feel overwhelmed and anxious. In an attempt to improve his productivity and mental state, he decides to take action. Which of the following actions are likely to have a positive impact on Mahendra?

  1. Mahendra randomly deletes a few emails from his inbox without reviewing their content.
  2. Mahendra marks all emails in his inbox as unread for fun.
  3. Mahendra spends a significant amount of time meticulously organizing his inbox into folders based on various criteria.
  4. Mahendra ignores his inbox entirely and focuses on other tasks, hoping the problem will resolve itself.
  5. Mahendra sets specific time slots throughout the day dedicated solely to managing his email.
  6. Mahendra prints out all his emails but fails to read them.
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8. Identify the reasons why choosing to form good habits is a habit.

  1. It enables individuals to make intentional choices and prioritize their well-being and success.
  2. It is too challenging and unrealistic to maintain, as breaking bad habits is nearly impossible.
  3. It fosters a sense of accountability and responsibility toward one’s goals and aspirations.
  4. It restricts freedom and limits one’s ability to explore new experiences and opportunities.
  5. It requires consistent practice and repetition to internalize the desired behavior.
  6. It requires no effort or consistency, as good habits come naturally to individuals.
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9. Why is the regular consumption of teleserials discouraged?

  1. They can be emotionally draining and stressful.
  2. They promote addictive behavior and can consume a lot of viewer’s time.
  3. They can negatively impact one’s mental health.
  4. They can interfere with one’s personal growth and productivity.
  5. They always provide complete closure and resolution, which can be mentally satisfying.
  6. They are the most intellectually stimulating form of entertainment and contribute significantly to knowledge enhancement.
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10. Abhi and Sai are best friends. They spend a lot of time together and have a powerful influence over each other. Choose the sustainable methods through which they can contribute productively to each other’s habit formation.

  1. They can provide constructive feedback and gentle reminders when either of them deviates from their desired habits, helping each other stay on track.
  2. They can ridicule and mock each other’s attempts at forming new habits, creating a demotivating and unsupportive environment.
  3. They can openly communicate their goals and aspirations, sharing insights, tips, and resources that can aid in forming habits.
  4. They can compete with each other to see who can develop more habits, fostering an unhealthy sense of rivalry.
  5. They can engage in healthy activities together, such as exercising, cooking nutritious meals, or practicing mindfulness, which can inspire and reinforce positive habits.
  6. They can celebrate each other’s successes and milestones, creating a positive and encouraging environment that reinforces the formation of new habits.
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11. Satyavati has noticed some negative patterns in her life and wants to identify her bad habits to make positive changes. Which option can help Satyavati recognize her unhealthy habits?

  1. Reflecting on her daily routines and behaviors to identify patterns that lead to negative outcomes.
  2. Ignoring the negative consequences of her actions and continuing with her current habits.
  3. Engaging in self-destructive behavior.
  4. Blaming external factors or other people for her negative habits without taking personal responsibility.
  5. Seeking validation from friends with similar unhealthy habits to justify her behaviors.
  6. Comparing herself to others and dismissing her own bad habits as “not as bad” in comparison.
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12. Which of the following statements about dopamine is true?

  1. It is not involved in motivation, goal-setting, or other non-addictive behaviors.
  2. It cannot be influenced by external factors such as stress, drugs, and experiences.
  3. It will function in the same way whether you use a good or bad habit to induce it.
  4. It only affects the brain’s pleasure centers and does not impact other brain functions.
  5. Its amount released is the same regardless of the behavior or activity that triggers it.
  6. It is a hormone, not a neurotransmitter.
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13. Nebin is a professional who wants to optimize his productivity and achieve his goals effectively. Which of the following scenarios align with the principles that will lead him to success?

  1. Nebin spends excessive time on tasks that are not aligned with his main goals, neglecting the important ones.
  2. Nebin spends most of his time daydreaming and lacks a structured approach to achieving his goals.
  3. Nebin keeps a clear priority list, regularly reassesses it, and adjusts his focus accordingly.
  4. Nebin believes that investing time in non-essential activities will always lead to breakthroughs.
  5. Nebin meticulously plans his day but fails to adapt or reprioritize when unexpected circumstances arise.
  6. Nebin tends to take on too many tasks simultaneously, resulting in a lack of focus and suboptimal outcomes.
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14. Identify the quote attributed to Charles Noble from the following options.

  1. “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.”
  2. “Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”
  3. “The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.”
  4. “Character is a long-standing habit.”
  5. “A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit.”
  6. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
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14. Rahul is working on a project and suddenly receives an urgent phone call requiring immediate attention. He has to leave the project incomplete and attend the call. Even while attending the call, he feels uneasy and disturbed. Which option best explains Rahul’s experience based on the Zeigarnik effect?

  1. Rahul’s inability to focus on the project is due to a lack of interest.
  2. Rahul’s interrupted task creates a sense of tension and mental preoccupation.
  3. Rahul can quickly abandon the interrupted task and start a new one without any hesitation.
  4. Rahul can easily forget the unfinished task, as whatever he is doing now is important.
  5. Rahul is feeling disturbed because he is hungry.
  6. Rahul hates attending calls.
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15. Rahul is working on a project and suddenly receives an urgent phone call requiring immediate attention. He has to leave the project incomplete and attend the call. Even while attending the call, he feels uneasy and disturbed. Which option best explains Rahul’s experience based on the Zeigarnik effect?

  1. Rahul’s inability to focus on the project is due to a lack of interest.
  2. Rahul’s interrupted task creates a sense of tension and mental preoccupation.
  3. Rahul can quickly abandon the interrupted task and start a new one without any hesitation.
  4. Rahul can easily forget the unfinished task, as whatever he is doing now is important.
  5. Rahul is feeling disturbed because he is hungry.
  6. Rahul hates attending calls.
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16. Arjun wants to develop a habit of practicing gratitude daily. He struggles to stay consistent with this habit. Which of the following options SHOULD NOT be practiced by him to reinforce gratitude in his life?

  1. Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things he’s grateful for each day.
  2. Express gratitude to others through thank-you notes or kind gestures.
  3. Practice mindfulness and focus on appreciating the present moment and what it offers.
  4. Surround himself with people who constantly complain.
  5. Find silver linings in all situations and challenges.
  6. Start each day with a positive affirmation related to gratitude.
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17. Identify the author of the following quotation: “Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”

  1. Mother Teresa
  2. The Dalai Lama
  3. Walt Disney
  4. Plato
  5. Satyajit Ray
  6. Rabindranath Tagore
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18. Midhuna has recently gone through a breakup and desires to forget her former partner. Identify the action she should AVOID to achieve a sense of completion and peace of mind.

  1. Get rid of the things that remind her of her partner.
  2. Think about all the good times they have had together.
  3. Engage in activities she enjoys.
  4. Spend time with friends.
  5. Create a to-do list.
  6. Travel to places she has never been before
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19. Aneeta has the habit of leaving the dishes unwashed after using them. They have accumulated over time, inviting cockroaches and other pests. Which among the following options is NOT compromised here due to this bad habit of Aneeta?

  1. Discipline
  2. Personal Hygiene
  3. Responsibility
  4. Self-accountability
  5. Apathy
  6. Integrity
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20. Sudha has been struggling with anxiety and wants to develop a habit that promotes better mental health. What habit can Sudha cultivate to support his mental well-being?

  1. Playing video games every day and watching an OTT series at night.
  2. Engaging in excessive alcohol consumption as a means of temporarily escaping anxiety symptoms.
  3. Isolating himself from social interactions and avoiding any form of human connection.
  4. Establishing a consistent sleep routine and ensuring adequate rest.
  5. Distracting himself from anxious thoughts by excessive engagement with social media or video games.
  6. Neglecting self-care activities, such as proper nutrition and personal hygiene, due to anxiety-related difficulties.
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21. agannath is a driver who does not use a seatbelt while driving. He believes this is not a bad habit, as not doing anything does not fall under a habit. Jagannath is right.

  • True
  • False
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22. Dopamine is known as the motivation molecule.

  1. True
  2. False
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23. Shankar believes that powerful change in one’s life is possible only if you have enough money for it. Shankar has an accurate understanding of reality.

  1. True
  2. False
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24. Ameena and Farha are friends who also work together. Ameena is a disciplined person who believes that Farha’s actions can have no effect on her. Farha, however, believes that Ameena’s inclination towards maintaining good habits is useless and constantly makes fun of her for following a consistent plan in her life. Ameena and Farha have a healthy relationship.

  1. True
  2. False
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25. Beena is a therapist who has the habit of working long hours. She thinks it is permissible as she is helping other people to improve their mental health. This is wrong as Beena should practice self-awareness and take care of her health.

  1. True
  2. False

NPTEL Developing Soft Skills And Personality Week 2 Assignment Answer 2023

1. Which of the following statements should be avoided during a conflict?

  • “I am right, and you are wrong.”
  • “What you say is true, but I will not accept it.”
  • “Let us find a win-lose solution.”
  • “Let us find a win-win solution.”
  • “I am sorry, and if I have hurt you, your sentiments, or made this mistake, I apologize for that.”
  • “I am not interested in your arguments.”
Answer :- "I am right, and you are wrong."
"What you say is true, but I will not accept it."
"Let us find a win-lose solution."
"I am not interested in your arguments."

2. A fight between two students at school escalates and creates a conflict between their parents. Identify the right ways to deal with the situation.

  • The parents engage in open and respectful communication, actively listening to each other’s perspectives and concerns.
  • The parents agree to involve a neutral third party, such as a mediator or counselor, to facilitate productive discussions and help them find common ground.
  • The parents engage in a blame game, constantly pointing fingers at each other or their children.
  • The parents prioritize their children’s well-being and emotional needs above their own grievances.
  • The parents encourage their children to take responsibility for their actions and apologize to each other.
  • The parents engage in retaliatory actions, seeking to hurt or harm the other family as a way to get back at them for the conflict.
Answer :- The parents engage in open and respectful communication, actively listening to each other’s perspectives and concerns.
The parents agree to involve a neutral third party, such as a mediator or counselor, to facilitate productive discussions and help them find common ground.

The parents encourage their children to take responsibility for their actions and apologize to each other.

3. Salma and Kumari are both participating in a beauty pageant. They have been asked to perform together for a talent round but have different opinions on what to do. Salma believes they should perform a dance routine, while Kumari thinks they should sing a classical duet. This disagreement is causing tension between them and may impact their performance in the competition. What are some potential solutions for resolving this conflict between Salma and Kumari?

  • Salma should choose what to do as anybody can dance.
  • Kumari should have the final say as she is a trained classical singer and should be able to showcase her expertise.
  • Salma and Kumari should compromise and create a talent performance incorporating singing and dancing.
  • Salma and Kumari should seek the guidance of a professional coach/mentor to help them come to an agreement and perform to the best of their abilities.
  • Salma and Kumari should request the organizers to allow them to perform separately.
  • Salma and Kumari should cancel the show, as no one should force them to perform with someone they are not on good terms with.
Answer :- Salma and Kumari should compromise and create a talent performance incorporating singing and dancing.

Salma and Kumari should seek the guidance of a professional coach/mentor to help them come to an agreement and perform to the best of their abilities.

4. A group of friends plans a trip but struggles to agree on the destination and activities. Different opinions clash as the discussion heats up, leading to interpersonal conflicts. Identify the individuals who showcase conflict resolution skills.

  • Abhaya insists on going to a beach destination, while few others prefer a mountainous location. Their differing preferences lead to heated arguments and misunderstandings.
  • Madhavi suggests a collaborative approach, encouraging each friend to present their preferred activities, and then they collectively decide on an itinerary that accommodates everyone’s interest.
  • Prarthana practices active listening, empathizing with her friends’ viewpoints, and expressing her preferences respectfully, aiming to find common ground.
  • Shankar dominates the conversation, dismissing others’ suggestions and imposing his preferences on the group. This authoritarian approach escalates the conflict.
  • Midhuna decides to remain silent during the discussion, avoiding expressing her preferences to keep the peace.
  • Satwik openly criticizes his friends’ suggestions, creating a hostile atmosphere and damaging trust among the group members.
Answer :- Madhavi suggests a collaborative approach, encouraging each friend to present their preferred activities, and then they collectively decide on an itinerary that accommodates everyone’s interest.

Prarthana practices active listening, empathizing with her friends’ viewpoints, and expressing her preferences respectfully, aiming to find common ground.

5. Akhila, a social media influencer, and Praveena, her best friend, are not talking due to a misunderstanding. The conflict has left Akhila feeling upset and unsure of how to proceed. Which of the following measures should Akhila adopt?

  • Reach out to Praveena and try to talk to her about the misunderstanding.
  • Confront Praveena and demand an apology for the misunderstanding.
  • Write her thoughts and feelings in a journal to help her process the situation.
  • Continue to ignore Praveena and hope that the situation resolves itself.
  • Seek the help of a neutral third party, such as a common friend, to mediate the conflict.
  • Find a new friend to replace Praveena and move on from the conflict.
Answer :- Reach out to Praveena and try to talk to her about the misunderstanding.

Seek the help of a neutral third party, such as a common friend, to mediate the conflict.

6. Identify the statements that are TRUE regarding stress.

  • Stress affects everyone in the same way.
  • Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on your physical health.
  • Neglecting stress altogether will enhance the quality of one’s life.
  • Stress can strain relationships and hinder effective communication.
  • High levels of stress can negatively impact your productivity and performance.
  • By regulating stress, you can maintain a healthier and balanced lifestyle.
Answer :- Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on your physical health.

Stress can strain relationships and hinder effective communication.

High levels of stress can negatively impact your productivity and performance.

By regulating stress, you can maintain a healthier and balanced lifestyle.

7. Which among the following comments are destructive and should not be included in an argument?

  • “I cannot believe how stupid your argument is.”
  • “Let us take a break and return to this later when we feel calmer.”
  • “Let us focus on finding a solution instead of placing the blame on someone.”
  • “You are not capable of understanding my point of view.”
  • “I understand where this argument is coming from, but I see things differently.”
  • “Why are you so sensitive? You need to toughen up.”
Answer :- “I cannot believe how stupid your argument is.”

“You are not capable of understanding my point of view.”

“Why are you so sensitive? You need to toughen up.”

8. Vinshy and Tanya are roommates with different lifestyles and habits, leading to conflicts and tensions within their living arrangement. Identify the right approaches they should adopt to resolve the issue.

  • Establishment of clear communication channels
  • Blaming the other person first
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Compromise and flexibility
  • Avoidance
  • Revenge and retaliation
Answer :- Establishment of clear communication channels

Compromise and flexibility

9. Identify the situations that provide win-win solutions from the following options.

  • A team faces a conflict arising from differing opinions on a project approach. Rather than dismissing or favoring one perspective, they hold a constructive discussion, listen to each other’s viewpoints, and integrate the best aspects of all ideas to reach an innovative solution that satisfies all team members.
  • A parent imposes her own decisions on a child without considering the child’s input or needs, leading to a strained relationship and the child feeling disempowered and unheard.
  • Two employees in the same department need flexibility in their work schedules due to personal commitments. They work together to create a rotating schedule that allows both individuals to accommodate their needs while ensuring coverage and maintaining productivity for the team.
  • A community organization has limited funds to allocate for different projects. They engage in a participatory budgeting process where community members propose and vote on project ideas, ensuring that the resources are distributed to address various needs and priorities.
  • A family is trying to choose a vacation destination. Instead of one person making the decision, they engage in a family meeting where everyone shares their preferences, considerations, and concerns. Through open dialogue, they collectively decide on a destination that accommodates various interests and ensures an enjoyable experience for everyone.
  • Two friends disagree about a financial deal. Instead of arguing or compromising on their individual preferences, they explore alternative options and find a compromise that allows both of them to enjoy aspects of their preferred benefits, strengthening their friendship.
Answer :- a, c, d, e

10. Who among the following DOES NOT display a constructive mindset?

  • Devyani struggles with delegating tasks and trusting her team members. She constantly interferes with their work, hampers their autonomy, and stifles creativity. Her need for control and lack of faith in her team’s abilities limits their growth and hinders overall productivity.
  • Mirash always finds something to complain about, regardless of the situation. His negative attitude affects team morale and hampers collaboration.
  • Hassan finds himself in a conflict situation with a colleague. Rather than escalating the tension or engaging in blame, he approaches the conversation with empathy and active listening. He seeks to understand the other person’s perspective, respectfully communicates his concerns, and works towards finding a mutually beneficial resolution.
  • Annapoorna has a curious mindset and a thirst for knowledge. She actively seeks out opportunities to expand her skills and expertise. She attends workshops, reads books, and enrolls in online courses to stay updated in her field.
  • Zakir is a team leader who fosters a positive and inclusive work environment. He encourages open communication, values diverse perspectives, and actively involves team members in decision-making processes. He recognizes individual contributions and creates opportunities for team members to learn, grow, and succeed together.
  • Kunal has a pessimistic outlook on life and constantly expects the worst outcome. He dismisses new ideas or initiatives as bound to fail and discourages others from pursuing innovative solutions. His cynicism creates a hostile atmosphere and dampens enthusiasm and motivation within the team.
Answer :- a, b, f

11. “Stress management is __________ management,” according to Shereka Dunston.

  • anxiety
  • sorrow
  • life
  • memory
  • anger
  • business
Answer :- life

12. Muskan, a talented poetess, finds herself in a conflict when she receives an invitation to perform her poetry at two prestigious events on the same day. Both events hold significant importance in her career and offer valuable opportunities for exposure and networking. Muskan understands the importance of carefully considering her options and the potential consequences of her decision. She wants to make a choice that maximizes her chances of growth, exposure, and artistic fulfillment. Which among the following options is the most appropriate approach in this situation?

  • Flip a coin.
  • Cancel both performances.
  • Succumb to peer pressure.
  • Delay decision indefinitely.
  • Allow the stress to consume her.
  • Evaluate the importance of the opportunities
Answer :- Evaluate the importance of the opportunities

13. What is the first step toward resolving a conflict?

  • Focusing on the problem, not the person
  • Blaming someone for the conflict
  • Making the other person apologize even though it is not their fault
  • Ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away
  • Interrupting the other person while they are talking
  • Dominating the conversation with one’s own ideas
Answer :- Focusing on the problem, not the person

14. Who among the following DOES NOT have a strong sense of vocation?

  • Riya is a veterinarian who has always had a strong affinity for animals. She is deeply committed to caring for and healing needy animals, viewing her work as a calling rather than just a job.
  • Manoj is a musician who feels a deep connection to his craft. He sees music as a means of expressing his emotions and connecting with others on a profound level.
  • Daksha is a graphic designer who has a true passion for visual storytelling. She sees design as a powerful tool for communication and uses her skills to create compelling and impactful visuals that convey meaningful messages.
  • Hari is primarily driven by external rewards and financial success rather than a deep passion for his work.
  • Raju is committed to improving the lives of marginalized individuals and works tirelessly to advocate for their rights and well-being.
  • Varghese sees his culinary skills as an art form and delights in creating unique and delicious dishes that bring joy to others.
  • Sophia is an art therapist who uses art as a means of healing and self- expression.
Answer :- Hari is primarily driven by external rewards and financial success rather than a deep passion for his work."

15. Conflict also means ________________ .

  • a state of tranquility.
  • absence of differences.
  • discord of action.
  • effortless collaboration.
  • total conformity.
  • consensus and compromise.
Answer :- discord of action

16. What does Parkinson’s Law state?

  • Creativity is hampered by criticism.
  • Artificial Intelligence will take over humanity as we know it now.
  • Supply and demand are directly proportional.
  • Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.
  • Time expands to create a universe that is filled with possibilities.
  • Satisfaction from one’s career is inversely proportional to the stress experienced by it.
Answer :- Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.

17. Being mindful means:

  • Being preoccupied with the past or future rather than fully experiencing the present moment.
  • Reacting impulsively and without consideration for the consequences of your actions.
  • Being excessively self-centered and focused only on one’s own needs and desires.
  • Being fully present and aware of the present moment, without judgment.
  • Ignoring or suppressing one’s emotions and thoughts.
  • Letting your mind wander aimlessly without actively directing your attention.
Answer :- Being fully present and aware of the present moment, without judgment.

18. Which among the following options can improve one’s sleep?

  • Engage in excessive caffeine consumption.
  • Regulate one’s stress and engage in activities that promote relaxation.
  • Eat heavy or spicy meals close to bedtime.
  • Multitask excessively.
  • Keep your bedroom cluttered and disorganized.
  • Dwell on negative thoughts and situations.
Answer :- Regulate one’s stress and engaging in activities that promote relaxation.

19. At which level of conflict resolution is a third party requested to act like a judge?

  • Negotiation
  • Mediation
  • Arbitration
  • Conciliation
  • Litigation
  • Collaboration
Answer :- Arbitration

20. Which among the following reasons correctly explains the reason why taking a break from work can be productive?

  • Taking a break from work is a sign of laziness and lack of commitment to one’s responsibilities.
  • Taking a break from work is a waste of time and hinders productivity and progress.
  • Taking a break from work is a selfish indulgence that puts personal needs above professional obligations.
  • Taking a break from work is a sign of weakness and an inability to handle the demands of the job.
  • Taking a break from work is good because it helps reduce stress and prevent burnout, allowing for improved mental and physical well-being.
  • Taking a break from work is an excuse to avoid challenges and escape from difficult situations.
Answer :- Taking a break from work is good because it helps reduce stress and prevent burnout, allowing for improved mental and physical well-being.

21. Heera is an animal trainer who only agrees to train five animals a year, as more than that will cause her stress. Heera is unreasonable as one should engage in their profession as much as possible.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False

22. Amrita and Rahul decide to get married. As they get closer to their wedding day, Rahul realizes he is not ready to marry and communicates this to Amrita. This creates a conflict of interest, and they decide to end their relationship amicably. This is a healthy approach as they were honest each other and could respect their individual choices.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- True

23. Stress is a myth created by people to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and decisions.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False

24. Seema believes that we have control over the occurrence of conflicts and can avoid them if we refuse to interact with people. Seema is correct.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False

25. Paresh is a salesman who leads a stressful life. He finds solace in taking it out on his wife. The wife believes this can be justified due to his stress. She is right.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- False
Course NameDeveloping Soft Skills And Personality
CategoryNPTEL Assignment Answer
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NPTEL Developing Soft Skills And Personality Week 1 Assignment Answer 2023

1. Soft skills are also known as

  • Coding skills
  • Technological skills
  • People skills
  • Artistic skills
  • ChatGPT skills
  • Communication skills
Answer :- People skills, 

Communication skills

2. Vivek is an experienced pilot working for a renowned airline. However, lately, he has been facing work-related challenges affecting his job satisfaction. Which of the following options could be meaningful solutions for Vivek to overcome his struggles?

  • Engaging in training and skill enhancement programs to stay up-to-date with the latest aviation advancements.
  • Building a strong support network of fellow pilots or aviation professionals for mentorship and guidance.
  • Engaging in unethical practices to achieve better job satisfaction.
  • Focusing solely on monetary rewards for job satisfaction.
  • Communicating openly and constructively with his superiors about his concerns.
  • Actively seeking opportunities for professional growth within the aviation industry.
Answer :- A. Engaging in training and skill enhancement programs to stay up-to-date with the latest aviation advancements.

B. Building a strong support network of fellow pilots or aviation professionals for mentorship and guidance.

E. Communicating openly and constructively with his superiors about his concerns.

3. Identify the pessimistic thoughts from the given options.

  • “Nothing ever goes my way, no matter how hard I try.”
  • “Every challenge I face is an opportunity for personal growth and development.”
  • “I always seem to make the wrong decisions.”
  • “Endless possibilities and opportunities surround me.”
  • “I cannot achieve my goals and create the life I desire.”
  • “With determination and perseverance, I can overcome any obstacles in my path.”
Answer :- A. "Nothing ever goes my way, no matter how hard I try.”
C. “I always seem to make the wrong decisions.”
E. “I cannot achieve my goals and create the life I desire.”

4. As indicated in this Course, what are the necessary indications for real learning to have taken place for an individual?

  • The learner must have read as many books as possible.
  • The learner must have attended all classroom lectures.
  • The learning could be perceived from the learner’s change in behavior.
  • The learner must have known how to transact and learn from the environment.
  • The learner must have watched an influential movie.
  • The learner must have spent money in college to win many friends.
Answer :- C. The learning could be perceived from the learner’s change in behavior.
D. The learner must have known how to transact and learn from the environment.

5. Identify people with a growth mindset from the following options.

  • Prerna avoids challenges that may expose her weaknesses, preferring to stay within her familiar areas of expertise.
  • Anil believes that effort and dedication can lead to improvement and mastery in any area.
  • Mandakini views mistakes as personal shortcomings and tends to give up easily when faced with difficulties.
  • Parvathy sets ambitious goals for himself and takes consistent action to achieve them.
  • Trisha actively seeks feedback from her colleagues and uses it to improve her skills.
  • Vijay avoids situations that require him to stretch his skills and prefers to stay within his comfort zone.
Answer :- B. Anil believes that effort and dedication can lead to improvement and mastery in any area.

D. Parvathy sets ambitious goals for himself and takes consistent action to achieve them.

E. Trisha actively seeks feedback from her colleagues and uses it to improve her skills.

6. Choose the reasons why self-assessment is significant.

  • It fosters continuous learning and improvement by identifying areas for development.
  • It breeds self-doubt and undermines one’s abilities and potential.
  • It empowers individuals to take control of their personal and professional development.
  • It hinders personal growth and keeps individuals stuck in their comfort zones.
  • It discourages individuals from seeking feedback and guidance.
  • It promotes self-accountability.
Answer :- A. It fosters continuous learning and improvement by identifying areas for development.

C. It empowers individuals to take control of their personal and professional development.

F. It promotes self-accountability.

7. Identify the people below who best exemplify a high spiritual quotient as described in the lecture on inner core strengthening.

  • Anirudh is a successful business executive who is highly intelligent and emotionally stable but struggles with managing his emotions and often experiences burnout.
  • Sreedevi, a yoga instructor who values compassion and connection with others, does not have a powerful sense of purpose or vision for her life.
  • Ashish is a humanitarian aid worker passionate about helping others and takes time for introspection, and tries to connect with something greater than himself.
  • Kanaka is a religious leader who has a solid connection to her faith and values but fights with others with different beliefs.
  • Athul is a philosopher who values wisdom and contemplation but struggles with anxiety and connecting with others on a deeper level.
  • Rohini, an environmental activist driven by a clear purpose and vision for her life, values compassion and connection with others in achieving her goals.
Answer :- C. Ashish is a humanitarian aid worker passionate about helping others and takes time for introspection, and tries to connect with something greater than himself.

F. Rohini, an environmental activist driven by a clear purpose and vision for her life, values compassion and connection with others in achieving her goals.

8. What is an optical illusion?

  • A tricky statement.
  • An image that is intentionally misleading.
  • A type of hypnosis.
  • A hallucinatory thought.
  • A visually stimulating dream.
  • A visual that determines our perceptional differences.
Answer :- An image that is intentionally misleading.

A visual that determines our perceptional differences.

9. Identify the physiological needs from the following examples.

  • Jaya is a homeless person who struggles to find shelter and food to eat on a daily basis.
  • Pratik is an environmentalist who seeks a sense of purpose and fulfillment by making a positive impact on the environment.
  • Shiva is an entrepreneur who desires financial success, independence, and the satisfaction of building something of his own.
  • Gloria is a social activist who is deeply motivated by the need for social justice and works tirelessly to help marginalized communities.
  • Philip is a construction worker who works long hours in extreme weather conditions, often lacking proper hydration and nutrition.
  • Mandvi is a teacher who loves to spend time with children and pays them close attention. 
Answer :- A. Jaya is a homeless person who struggles to find shelter and food to eat on a daily basis.

E. Philip is a construction worker who works long hours in extreme weather conditions, often lacking proper hydration and nutrition.

10. If you possess spiritual intelligence, you would be:

  • Dismissive
  • Compassionate
  • Cynical
  • Materialistic
  • Selfless
  • Dogmatic
Answer :- B. Compassionate
E. Selfless

11. A group project at an organization requires five members and currently has six interested candidates. The manager decided to shortlist five members by providing a smaller project and observing them. Out of the following observations, who is unfit to be shortlisted for the project?

  • Madhu weighs the pros and cons and makes well-informed choices that benefit the team as a whole. Her decisions are based on a combination of logical reasoning, intuition, and a deep understanding of the project’s objectives.
  • Anushka empathizes with her teammates, acknowledges their strengths and weaknesses, and provides the necessary support and encouragement.
  • Farhan is uninterested in contributing to discussions or offering valuable insights. Instead of seeking innovative solutions or alternative approaches, he tends to become overwhelmed and rigid in his thinking. Farhan’s rigidity in thinking hinders the team’s ability to navigate obstacles and adapt to changing circumstances effectively.
  • Rahul pays attention to detail, regularly reviewing the work for quality and accuracy. He maintains a composed demeanor under pressure and makes informed decisions based on careful analysis and consideration of available information.
  • Mridu actively seeks feedback from team members and takes the initiative to resolve conflicts, ensuring a harmonious and productive working environment.
  • Ananya displays a high level of adaptability and flexibility. She readily adjusts plans and strategies based on new information or unexpected challenges.
Answer :- C. Farhan is uninterested in contributing to discussions or offering valuable insights. Instead of seeking innovative solutions or alternative approaches, he tends to become overwhelmed and rigid in his thinking. Farhan’s rigidity in thinking hinders the team’s ability to navigate obstacles and adapt to changing circumstances effectively.

12. What is the exact relationship between soft skills and learning?

  • Soft skills are learned only through reading books.
  • Soft skills are learned only through attending classroom lectures.
  • Soft skills can be learned through interacting with the environment.
  • Soft skills are not important for learning.
  • Soft skills are only necessary for certain professions.
  • Soft skills are unnecessary for success.
Answer :- C. Soft skills can be learned through interacting with the environment.

13. What does the term “Kaizen” refer to?

  • Honesty
  • Sudden change
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Creativity
  • Constant sorrow
  • A Buddhist temple
Answer :- C. Continuous Improvement

14. What does Stephen R. Covey suggest people should do before conveying their ideas, feelings, and emotions?

  • Seek to be understood first.
  • Ignore other people’s perspectives.
  • Seek to understand others first.
  • Vent out emotions immediately.
  • Assume the worst of others.
  • Refuse to empathize with others.
Answer :- C. Seek to understand others first.

15. Who said, “If you plan on being anything less than you’re capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life”?

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Franklin Roosevelt
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • Abraham Maslow
  • Steve Jobs
  • Winston Churchill
Answer :- D. Abraham Maslow

16. Which among the following will be one of the qualities of a person who wants to change the world and make it a better place?

  • Selfishness
  • Apathy
  • Altruism
  • Narcissism
  • Arrogance
  • Ignorance
Answer :- C. Altruism

17. Who among the following DOES NOT exhibit the quality of a self-actualized individual?

  • Sowmya is a successful artist who expresses her creativity freely and seeks personal fulfillment through her artwork.
  • Lakshmi is a philanthropist who is committed to making a positive impact on society through her charitable initiatives.
  • Janak is a professional athlete who relentlessly pursues excellence and pushes his physical and mental limits to achieve peak performance.
  • Mishal is a wealthy businessman who prioritizes material possessions and societal status.
  • Karnika is a dedicated teacher who finds joy in helping her students achieve their full potential and grow academically.
  • Rony is a scientist who seeks knowledge and understanding through research and scientific exploration, driven by curiosity and a thirst for discovery.
Answer :- D. Mishal is a wealthy businessman who prioritizes material possessions and societal status.

18. Who said, “I now see spiritual intelligence as emerging from our most basic and primary need for and experience of deep meaning, an essential purpose, and our most significant values and how these lead to a deeper, wiser, more questioning life and affect our decisions and experiences.”?

  • Ian Marshall
  • Danah Zohar
  • Albert Einstein
  • Paul Bloom
  • Cornel West
  • Elizabeth Walker
Answer :- B. Danah Zohar

19. Who among the following exhibit self-management skills?

  • Kristina often takes on more responsibilities and commitments than she can handle, resulting in a chaotic and overwhelming schedule.
  • Aryan finds it challenging to concentrate and stay focused during study sessions. He frequently gets distracted by his surroundings, hindering his ability to learn and retain information effectively.
  • Anjana works full-time while balancing the demands of parenthood. She effectively manages her time by establishing routines, delegating tasks, and seeking support from family members or other services when needed.
  • Aamir works in an office environment and constantly struggles with keeping his workspace organized. His desk is cluttered with papers, files, and random items, making it difficult for him to find what he needs quickly.
  • Manjusha frequently indulges in impulsive shopping sprees, buying items she does not necessarily need or can afford.
  • Kabir neglects his physical health by regularly indulging in unhealthy eating habits, avoiding exercise, and neglecting regular check-ups
Answer :- C. Anjana works full-time while balancing the demands of parenthood. She effectively manages her time by establishing routines, delegating tasks, and seeking support from family members or other services when needed.

20. What does emotional literacy refer to?

  • Knowing how to manipulate others’ emotions
  • Knowing how to invalidate others’ emotions
  • Knowing how to avoid all emotional experiences and interactions
  • Knowing how to bottle up emotions
  • Knowing how to manage one’s own emotions
  • Knowing how to use anger to channel emotional outbursts
Answer :- E. Knowing how to manage one’s own emotions

21. Devika believes the path to self-actualization is the same for all and desires to achieve it before her friends and family members. Devika has an explicit and informed approach toward self-actualization.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- B. False

22. Rajeev believes that life will become more meaningful once we accept the inevitability of death. He is right.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- A. True

23. Learning and growing from mistakes is a positive use of adversity.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- A. True

24. Aneka is a social media influencer who tries to be a therapist to people who consult her online. She propagates the idea that it is all right to repress our emotions as no one would genuinely be interested in our feelings and that it is important always to maintain a strong demeanor. Aneka deserves recognition for the service she provides.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- B. False

25. Celebration of diversity is futile as human beings tend to connect more with others from similar backgrounds.

  • True
  • False
Answer :- B. False

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